
Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 2, 1862. Henry returned from camp this morning, as the rain prevented his return last night. Rain in the afternoon and night.

[Rebecca] June 2, 1862. A fine morning. Henry & negroes return about 6 ½ o’clk. The Federals have left St. Augustine it is said. Henry & Geo. go fishing after dinner and are caught in a heavy rain. They come home drenched.

June 3, 1862. Rain most all day. The boys went fishing caught 4 fish.

[Rebecca] June 3, 1862. It has rained in the night and still continues to rain. Sew steadily all day – Between 4 & 5 o’clk P.M. it looks brighter and the boys go fishing. They bring home quite a nice string of brim & perch.

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