
Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9 1862. Received a note from Winston with the news of the victory of the Confederates at Richmond. Also that Willie was in Alabama had not gone to Cornith. Davis at Calahan. Georgie has his fourth fever. No rain but cloudy all day.

[Rebecca] June 9, 1862.  A fine cool morng. George felt badly, partly I think from the effect of medicine. He has some fever about noon. The afternoon very windy and cold. A letter comes from Winston reporting a fight at Richmond which lasted 3 days, the Confederates drove the Federals back 3 miles with a loss of 75,000!  Our loss about 15,000.  The contest to be renewed when they had buried the dead.

[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]

                                                                                Camp Horse Landing June 9th 1862

Dear Wife

                Swep has just arrived & brings glorious news though we have heavy los on bout side, the fight at Richmond lasted three days & we lost 15 thousand & The enemy 75 thousand. We drove them back three miles but it was thought the fight would be renewed in a few days. The Gallant 2nd Fla went into the fight with 420 men & came out with only 202 – los 218. It is sayd they fought as Floradians should – I know several that were lost, some of them intimate friends – Tell Mother that the 3rd Reg was stoped in Ala as they were not wanted at Corinth. Davis is at Calahan & was well a short time since. I will come up in a few days – Mr Dean is in a hurry – good bye & love to all

                                                                                Yours aff


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