
Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 28, 1862. Lewis went home with Georgie after breakfast as I concluded to stay until afternoon & get the mail. Henry brought the mule for me in the afternoon. Mother rec a latter from Willie.

[Rebecca] July 28, 1862. A fine morng. – George and L. Stephens come about 9 o’clk Tivie concluded to wait for the mail this afternoon. She brings me a long and most interesting letter from Willie of July 13th & 14th. His health is good.

July 29, 1862. Mother not well. No rain.

[Rebecca] July 29, 1862. A pleasant morng. Read papers for a time but feel quite unwell and lie down before dinner & some fever in the afternoon – take medicine at night.

[Winston Stephens to Octavia Bryant]

                                                                                                Camp Stephens July 29, 1862

Dear Wife

                I have just returned from Sanderson to day & as the Tyners  are coming so near you & perhaps will reach you sooner than Mr Smith I have determined to send by them.  We have been uneasy about the small Pock but I am glad to say no new cases have appeared in Lake City & I hope we will escape.  The Doctor has been vaccinating the men & as soon as it takes I expect to become vaccinated. I saw Dr Moody on the Cars direct from Richmond & he brings good news. Morgan is in Indiana & has taken eleven Towns & destroyed lots of Gov Property &c.  Stone Wall Jackson was to be reinforced to one hundred thousand men & then he was to go through Pensylvania & fall in back in the rear of Washington.  The news generally is good.  Halleck has command of the Northern army instead of Pope.  Vicksburg had withstood the bombardment and now the yankees have abandoned the idea of taking it for the present.  the Arkansas ram has become the teror of the Federal fleet.  Our side is all right old Lady & we are to whip them soon I think. I found two negroes in camp when I arrived one Mr Foys & the other Mr Clarks both live near Ocala. They were trying to get to the Gun boats. Mr Smith is in Camps and will perhaps start tomorrow but as he is waiting Frank Sams motion I cant tell when he will be up & as I am a little jealous I send the letter by Tyner. I will send the Osnaburgs by Smith if he comes in a boat & you must save it or use it carefully as it is more than the regular issue clothing. I would send you some flour but cant make up my mind to pay $25 pr barrel, & the pan cant be found. We are generally well, I cant boast of being stout but I am about at usual & I think growing gradually stronger. I have a cough from my cold that annoys me some. Dick is now Capt of his Company as the Capt first resigned & now the 2nd is dead. I hope to hear from you quite soon & hope it will be a long one & giving the detail of every thing. I dont care if its a whole book I will not tire reading it.  Much Love to all.

                                                                                                I remain yours to a certainty

                                                                                                Winston Stephens

                                                                                                Camp Comdz Post 

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