March 13, 1862. Davis & the boys went to town & to Clark’s in the morning.
[Rebecca] March 13, 1862. Warm – The boys all go to town in the morng. and hear a report that several gun boats have got over the St Johns bar.
[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]
Volusia Mar 13, 1862
My Dear Wife
Again I have the opportunity of writing you by Lieut Gray, as he goes to Palatka to make some arrangements for the safety of his family - Oh! what a dark hour in this our Country and I fear we have not seen the worst by a good deale - but I have hope even now when every thing is so unpromising. I think our cause a just one & I believe that the God of battles will yet crown our arms with more & greater Victories & that the cause will yet prosper. Nothing of a common nature can be achieved without an effort and some sacrifice - & in this great struggle we must suffer in proportion to the benefit we are to derive from the struggle. One thing gives me more trouble about this matter than all others, & that is that this State is to be abandoned to the enemy & if true I fear we will have a rebellion in this State, as the people are determined not to go out of State & leave their families to the mercies of the enemy & fight for others and your good for nothing old Man is one of that number. I will not abandon my family for any cause. What I most fear is this, that you my beloved wife should fall into the hands of the enemy & that they might treat you as they did a poor girl in Fernandina. A poor man that was left had a Daughter ten years old & the second day after they got possession three of the men took her in the scrub & ravished her & when it was reported to the Oficer he merely made them mark time one hour - Now if that is to be the rule I want my family out of their way - Keep a close watch and if they come up the river take the mules & waggon & dont trust negroes but ask Davis to secrete you in some place & he can furnish you with provisions as long as the enemy are in the neighborhood & let the negroes make a corn crop & next fall I will take you so far from the water that you will be safe. I bought old George & want him to hire his time out to some one if he can until I come. I am coming as soon as Lieut Gray returns & he will give you notice if the enemy comes up while he is below. Write by every opportunity if only one line to say you are safe & well - Kiss our Dear babe & tell her Pa Pa wants to see her very much & ask her to Kiss Ma Ma for me. I wish I could see Davis & talk this matter over with him but I want him to stay by you all until I come when I hope he will have some plan matured with Mothers help by which all of you may be placed beyond the reach of the enemy - We feel like we can make quite a stand here & very much depends upon me as Maj Barnwell has been ordered off & the rest have left the arms, but some men came I to day & we expect some others & I will save all I can - Lt Gray can give you all particulars. Give much love to Mother & boys & accept your husbands whole devotion for you & Rosa.
Winston Stephens
P.S. get several pacages of envelopes from Moses.
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