
Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 1862. Tina spent the day with us. In the afternoon Lieut Gray & others came to see Winston.

[Rebecca] May 31, 1862. A very warm day! Mrs Stephens Minnie & the baby come to pass the day – Winston takes all his meals with us – Lieut. Gray & others here in the afternoon – No news from the army or the gunboats – No late papers.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30, 1862. The boys went fishing in the afternoon caught nice fish. Mother Winston Rosa & I took a walk.

[Rebecca] May 30, 1862.  A fine morgn.  Winston improving slowly. Boys go fishing in the afternoon – bring home quite a quantity.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29, 1862. In the afternoon Winston took a little ride. The boys went to town.

[Rebecca] May 29, 1862. Quite warm. Winston better. George returns at 8 A.M. but brings no news although Mr S had returned from the Springs. I am sadly disappointed.

Monday, May 28, 2012

May 27, 1862. Winston better. the Dr left soon after breakfast, Two Glisson’s to breakfast The boys went fishing in the afternoon caught 19 fish.

[Rebecca] May 27, 1862.  While at breakfast Joe returns with my letters, did not reach town till Mr Smith had left, Dr M. goes to camp and they are sent by him to be forwarded by first opportunity.  Winston better.

May 28, 1862. Winston received some letters from Dick, Swep &c in the morning by little Willie. Georgie went home with him to stay until tomorrow. Winston & I took a short walk before night.

[Rebecca] May 28, 1862. A warm, cloudy day. George goes to Mrs Stephens to stay over night. Winston about the same as yesterday.

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25, 1862.  Winston quite sick.  Rain.

[Rebecca] May 25, 1862. A most acceptable rain last night is succeeded by clouds this morng. Winston sick in bed. Read most of the day in Mr Robertson’s lectures. Towards eveg. a steady rain sets in and continues until after we retire. We cannot be too thankful for it just at this time.

[Julia Fisher to Rebecca Bryant]

                                                                                                Thomasville May 25, 1862

Dearest Sis:

                Do forgive me my long silence: every day I wanted to write and every day pressing duties and immediate cares prevented: I believe I have written at least fifty letters since I wrote you, but that is the very reason I could not write to you: I got involved in urgent cases where I have to write, and my conscience troubles me all the time about you: but dearest you are the only one I have so wholly neglected, (except for Lewis & Mary Ann who I try to write to whenever I can;) but dear Willie was not, and my last letter reached him just before he left E. Fla. to come to Mid Fla: a letter from him a few days ago written partly at Columbus, and partly at Montgomery says my letter "inspired and nerved him, as my letters always did," and I was thankful it reached him in time: God bless our dear boy: he was on his way to Corinth to join Beauregard as you will have heard ere this, (as he says he saw Davis just before leaving) he had hoped to run up here while near Tallahassee but was suddenly ordered off: If I had known of his being there, I should have gone down at once: he wrote pretty cheerfully, though disappointed at not seeing all or any before he left: a brave true letter, worthy of our noble boy: darling do you know how fully I sympathize with you? My heart runs over when I think of him, but I dare not dwell upon it; I only wish that you were here you could have something to cheer and divert your thoughts: It is terrible to “sit in solitude” at such a time and dwell on ones thoughts: it is the hardest of tasks: but may God give you the grace & patience & fortitude still to bear where you cannot act: Willy wrote one to tell Paris to “keep a stiff upper lip and we should come out right”: I sent his letter to Caroline & Paris immediately: I do not know the name of his company or Capt, only that it is the Fla regiment.  I will find out, and I mean to write him at once: and to his Capt and if anything happens to him, if he should be sick or wounded, (which God in mercy forbid) I will try to reach him at all hazards, and if this is impossible, I will reach him through the influence of others: do not think this impossible, I have by the help of Providence, accomplished much in the last few months, I have many letters of thanks from men of influence, and this would all help me if any of our family were in distress and I needed a personal favor: my first object will be to find out the company & Capt: and meanwhile dearest Sis let us still hope & trust: Paris & Eddy are still stationed at Sav: dead and dying from there are continually brought home on the train, but so far they have escaped: I will send you a scrap or two I cut out of some papers, to let you know what had busied me so much: when the lady wrote me from Sav: I tried to get others to take hold & form a society for the relief of the sick soldiers: all held back, so I got the girls together, sent them out as agents, & weekly they meet at my house, & bring supplies: I asked Mr. Jones, McIntyre & Hayes to lend me the use of their names, and I often consult with them, and I call them managers, but they leave it all in my hands, as each have a heavy responsibility at home, a lady came & offered to go as nurse (a good women) (I had written to the two Presidents of the R. Roads, & got their permission to use their roads free) and I shall collect voluntary contributions from the people to remunerate her: and she goes when I wish her to, and the physicians &c keep me posted: we have sent lots of supplies to different Hospitals, & I have made appointments to meet ladies at important points through the country on the rail road at stated times, & send supplies: Franky promises to meet me with others at Quitman, 12 miles from her house, 30 from here: Caroline will meet me at Groover’s station, and other friends at Valdosta &c. I have to go Saturday of course: I went yesterday: a commission merchant received my things &c all straight, & people all seem willing & glad to assist me: I hope I shall be able to keep on, but almost fear I shall not: I get so tired: we tried to get a Hospital here to keep them from sending on sick way off to Macon & Augusta; Gen Lawton wrote me very kindly but does not promise to let them come; but we shall make another effort before they may be cut off from us, (as all daily fear) by the enemy, and then they will suffer from necessary nourishment: they really do not at times: we have two rooms fitted up lately opposite my house for passing sick soldiers, & friends send me in supplies, & I see that they are attended to, and if I need help, call upon my neighbors: all are kind: dear Mother still keeps well, and don’t mind my fussing children keep well too, and so well in their studies: I have about 26 pupils: I had to write to Loulie to, to invite her here, as she has been staying about among friends, near Tallahassee & Monticello: Richard is trying to get a school, he is a good man but helpless in such cases: Bro James Everitt’s overseer has gone to the war, & he has to stay up here & Caroline at Grooverville; I proposed to let Richard take the Grooverville place & look after his interests there; first he said year: then no: “Richard was not smart enough, couldn’t trust him”: it would do nicely if Richard had more characher & energy: we look for them daily here: Mrs Perriman too wrote after 18 months silence, (seeing my name in a Sav paper: she said:) saying Mr. P. was dying rapidly: consumption I suppose: and they could get no medical aid & could get no place to carry him to: I wrote her immediately that I could not invite them to my own house, as Mother was old & feeble, but would get a pleasant room for them, & told them the price &c: I was very sorry for her: Father and Mother Fisher with them at Satilla & her boys: her oldest in the “Camden Chasseurs”: I have not heard since; I wrote very cordially & kindly: Lewis isdoing very well so I am told, & the poor fellow writes continually: I must write him today in reply to two long letters, received some time since: Julia still does well at Carolines, though “dull” they say, yet she is a great help now: in fact Caroline could not get on without her: she & Carry tend store, make up mails &c, but Julie cant leave to make change: she is right handy & smart however in many things: Henry still is content at Mary’s & Mary clings to him & really loves him much: she is in better spirits & rather better health of late: Lizzy & the rest well: Lizzy loves Willie beyond anything almost; Franky went to the camp where her husband was stationed near Sav, and boarded close by some weeks: many soldiers were sick there, and she did a great deal of good with other ladies, attending to & nursing them, she is now at home, Wm. At Sav: Paris is elected under the new law, to be 3d Lieutenant: Willie wrote me of the changes in his Company & of his withdrawal with his Captain & six others, or he might I suppose, have been 2nd. Lieutenant: he also told me that he could have accepted offers & remained at home, I glory in his determination, though I pity you, & suffer for him: poor old Mother too feel it keenly: but dearest, though I know "the applause of the world" could not repay you or him, as you say, for one pang, yet there is a principle allied to our very religion: a spirit that lifts us above all common ties & affections: life is a little sacrifice, but we offer more than this the dearest hopes & affections of life upon & for this principle: honor & liberty: I would rather my boys should die in such a cause than live to witness its defeat: God grant they may never suffer that, the keenest & severst pang their proud heart could suffer.  It may seem almost presumptuous what I have been & still am attempting, but the work fell into my hands; I am a thankful willing instrument, and I should feel that my life & labors were well paid for, if I only lived long enough to know that our liberty was won: I will not neglect other duties, Mother & my little ones here, but I am willing to suffer & die if it can only aid what is a cause of far more importance: a cause the success of which whould counterbalance the suffering of this generation for the sake of the next: you could give your children up to God: and your country is next to your God: in my heart they seen connected: no other love would cause me to yield that: yet I pity a Mothers's heart: it is hard: but are you not willing to suffer if need be, rather than lose all? dear Tivie too: but tell the darling child since she cannot change the facts; to meet them boldly as she can since they must be met, let us thank God our men do not shrink and we will not for their dear sakes.  I trust Davis will accept if he can get any honorable position at home, I would have been glad if Willie had, yet I glory in his spirit: Winston too, I earnestly echo your prayer, may he be spared many years to you.  You said in one letter something about your not being able to do much good now &c, & my being useful: dear Sis, I realize all the time that though God uses me as an active instrument often in his hands, I effect less real good than you have always accomplished: your quiet, steady influence, your patient fortitude, & cheerful submission always heretofore, now you are sorely tried, yet you will come out of the furnace like gold, while I hurry away, life & labor on in the midst of a thousand thoughts that only busy, do not sanctify my heart, you turn in solitude to God, & are daily growing nearer to him; while I benefit some, I offered some and for every word of praise given, I know I have one of criticism if not condemnation: I do not admire or like myself, yet I must fulfil my destiny, and carry out (like William) my strong angelic impulses: You darling are like a perpetual sweet incense though burning, yet always fragrant still, our darling blessed little Ruby.  Mother sends much love, & Carry & Mary often & much: Your last letter came this morning: I was going to write today any how: Your other came just after I wrote last:


Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24, 1862. The boys went fishing in the morning staid all day. Wins came in the afternoon.

[Rebecca] May 24, 1862.  Another bright morng. The boys start soon after breakfast for a fish in the Ocklawaha. Tivie has carpet take up in her room. Between four & five o'clk P.M. Winston comes home sick.  He brings letters from Willie & Davis of old date but most welcome.  Davis is stationed between Fernandina & Baldwin.  Willie is now I suppose in So. Carolina!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 1862. Received a note & a piece of bear from Winston by Clark. W wrote that he was sick. Lewis came home with Henry to stay over night.

[Rebecca] May 23, 1862. A fine morng. but we are longing for rain – The corn suffering for it. Henry returns late in the day with L. Stephens and no fish. Winston sends a piece of a large bear killed by himself and one of his men.

[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]

                                                                                                Horse Landing May 23, 1862

My Dear Tivie

                Clark comes up & brings you a fine piece of bear that we have just killed.  I shot him 8 times & Wm Stevens five, 7 of mine took effect & 3 of his.  I suppose the bear will weigh four hundred clean - save the oil for cooking - let the negroes have what you cant consume by the time it will spoil.  I dont think I can come up until after Monday as that is about the time the Yankees comes up.  Send my pants that I left with you by Clark.  I have been sick but feel well today - though my spleen is very large & gives me pain - I had mustard on it & feel better since.  I think the excitement to day will cause me to miss my fever this PM - love to all & kiss to Rosa - Your aff husband

                                                                                                Winston Stephens

[Octavia Stephens to Winston Stephens]  

                                                                                                May 23, 1862

My dear Winston

                I was so glad to get your note this afternoon, but very sorry you are not well, why did you not come home and be nursed by me instead of staying there amongst all the noise & rowdism of camp?  You might have staid until Sunday afternoon and then been in time for the Yankees if they intend coming Sunday, for I have almost counted the hours as they passed and would think at night, well one day nearer the time, so many more, and not the two days which I had counted as gone will be added on to the end of the time anticipated. Well cant be helped.

                The bear must have been a noble fellow, for the piece you sent was nearly all fat, could get but little lean, but I fear your excitement did not help your fever much except to increase it.

                Rosa & I spent yesterday with Tina, I went to help her make Clark some shirts, and we had a very pleasant and cosy time.  Little Jane had fever & I left her there over night, & I thought this morning that she had mumps, but as it seems to move to her eye & head now, I think it only cold.  Mose has had fever two nights, Sarah is out to day.  I tried to get salts from Mr Smith but he had none.  I got a bottle Peppermint & one of Carminative, if he should come to you for the money, can you not get salts or oil from your Dr or Palatka?  I mixed my last dose of salts for Mose & it was thrown away by accident.  Cant you get two or four good meal sacks from the commiccary for your drawers?  For you can not stand the osnaburgs, it is so harsh. Well I think I have more than repaid you for your note, and perhaps all this will strain your eyes. If the Yankees come & you have an engagement with them do let us know the result as soon as it is over, for you have plenty of folks in the company you could well spare to come with the news, for you don’t know or think of our anxiety. Mother sends her love & says “we want to see you home again,” & thinks you might come up Saturday & stay until Sunday afternoon but I suppose you don’t feel able to take the trip unless someone else is coming. Tell Swep he must come up and see us.  I guess you are now asleep on your pallet, and I must prepare to go to my bed.  Mother is on her way now.  I shall think of you when I eat the bear meat & hope you are able to enjoy some.  Well good night, may angels give you sweeter dreams than I had last night, for I dreamed you were going off somewhere, which I hope will not come true.  Rosa kissed me to night for you as usual, so just consider that kiss sent, and one from

                                                                                                Your affectionate Wife

                                                                                                You know who

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22, 1862. I spent the day with Tina to help her sew. Henry brought the mule for me and stayed all night. Mothers 49th birthday.

[Rebecca] May 22, 1862. My birthday – how different my situation from any year before! Tivie goes to help Mrs Stephens sew to-day. Henry went over with the mule and staid all night to fish with the boys tomorrow. Jane sick.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 1862. Winston left for camp again soon after breakfast. Henry & G went with him & staid all day they brought another large piece of a bomb, & a note from Winston saying Davis had joined Capt Harrison’s company.

[Rebecca] May 21, 1862.  After early breakfast the boys go to camp with Winston to bring the boat back.  They return about 6 o'clk bringing news that the 3d. Reg. had left and Davis joined a new company commanded by Capt. R. Harrison!  This deprives me of all hope of seeing him. Weather very warm.

[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]

                                                                                                Horse Landing May 21st 1862

Dear Tivie,

                On my arrival this morning I found Lt Shedd with orders from Coln Hopkins to remain at this point until further ordered & with information that Davis had joined Dr or Capt Harrisons Cavalry Company – Shedd did not see him as he left Jacksonville the day before he got in & did not return before he left. The Davis Regiment has left for Ten & the 4th Do the 3rd Do, the 3rd has left but the 4th has not but will soon, Capt Martins Artillery will go also. I send out to the Springs & hope to get some letters & will send or bring them up – I will come up Sunday if nothing turns up to prevent.

                                                                                                Your Affectionate husband

                                                                                                Winston Stephens.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20, 1862.  The first thing in the morning saw the smoke of the turpentine burning & thought something unusual was to pay down the river, so Henry went over to see Clark & heard that Winston's company had an engagement with a gunboat yesterday, none killed on our side, the boat turned right back.  Winston returned home about the middle of the afternoon, brought a bomb & a piece of one which burst near him

[Rebecca] May 20, 1862. Soon after sunrise we see that smoke from the burning turpentine and as soon as we have breakfasted Henry rides over to the mill to learn the news from camp – He returns with intelligence that two gunboats attempted to come up the river and were fired upon by the St. John’s Rangers. The gunboats turned back and went down some miles – No one hurt in the company, but think they did some injury to the enemy. About 4 o’clk P.M. Winston comes – He confirms the report heard in the morng. except that only one gunboat came above Palatka, the large one which attempted it the Monday previous.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19, 1862. Winston did not come as I expected. 13 cannons heard by some 19 by others between five & six o’clk in the afternoon.

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 17, 1862. Tina Minnie & the baby spent the day with us after they left Mother & took a walk.

[Rebecca] May 17, 1862. A fine cool morning. Mrs Stephens, Minnie & baby pass the day here. Just at twilight a fine shower comes on with some thunder. Thus ends a week of excitement.

May 18, 1862. All took a walk in the afternoon.

[Rebecca] May 18, 1862. A warm quiet day. Read several of Mr Greenwood’s sermons with much pleasure. Late in the day take a walk with Tivie and the boys.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 1862. Henry went to Tina’s in the morning on an errand for me, Lewis returned with him & took dinner here. In the afternoon Henry went home with him to stay over night.

[Rebecca] May 16, 1862. An acceptable rain last night has refreshed vegetation. Henry gone over to Mrs Stephens’ to stay all night – Tivie and I take a walk at sunset – Retire early.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15, 1862. Winston left for camp again in the morning. The boys went fishing in the afternoon, but returned early on account of rain.

[Rebecca] May 15, 1862. Lieut. Shed did not leave with express until this morng. Winston returns to Camp after breakfast – Read newspapers nearly all day – Some prospect of peace – Oh that it may be speedily consummated!

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14, 1862.  George went to Tinas to spend the day. Winston came from camp just before night.  Henry & the others returned from Orange Springs with the two barrels of syrup soon after supper & brought papers & a letter from Davis.

[Rebecca]  May 14, 1862.  Winston returned from camp about 6 P.M. The gunboat was supposed to be below No 10. He brought news of a Confederate victory at Corinth, at Yorktown and that Huntsville in Ala had been re-taken. Henry returns about 8 o’clk from O Springs with mail - A letter from Davis confirms my fears that Willie had left with 3rd. Reg – their distination not known Davis applies for a place in Winston’s company and will be recd.

[Winston Stephens to Davis Bryant]   

                                                                                                Rose Cottage May 14, 1862

Dear Davis

                Henry has just returned from Orange Springs & he brings your letter of the 8th in which you ask me to save you a place in my company.  You are just in time as I lack in the new organization only three men of my limit, & you shall have one of the places – I will enroll your name from the date of your letter & you can remain on special duty with Coln. Hopkins permission, as I have been ordered to report to him We are all well & will be glad to see you back with us. I am sorry you could not be at the organization Lt Shedd will give you the news & the particulars of our excitement. I am at home tonight but go to camp in the morning, but will send this by Burrel before I go as Lt Shedd will start soon.  I hope Willie did get the situation as 2nd Lt & as the Corinth battle has taken place, hope they will not be sent.  I assure you we have been all excitement the past few days & by dame rumor I & my company are all prisoners, but no thanks to the dame, I and my Command are ready to take our Confederate rations.  The women folks were frightened to hear the guns & the rumors but tonight we are all quiet.  Mother is very much distressed from several causes & I will be glad when you come as she will perhaps be better satisfied.  All join me in Love, I remain yours truly,

                                                                                                Winston Stephens

[Willie Bryant to Rebecca Bryant]

                                                                                                Montgomery, Ala. May 14, 1862

My dear Mother,

                Contrary to my expectations we are thus far on our way to Corinth, sure enough, & in about a week I suppose will reach there: I fully expected the fight would be over there before this & that we would not get beyond Georgia.  Our officers & every one else feel sure that our Regiment will not be sent into the field under it's present discipline, & that it will be some time before it is prepared, & we will be used to guard prisoners: I suppose you will be better satisfied with the last arrangement, & as I am still in good health & spirits I hope you will feel easy concerning me until you have greater cause for the contrary.  We commenced our march from Midway (between Tallahassee & Quincy) on last Friday a.m. 9th & marched to Chattahoochee 33 miles; arriving there at 2 o'clk Satd'y p.m. after a toilsome trip; Sunday a.m. we got on 3 Steamers & reached Columbus on Monday at dark; Tuesday a.m. (yesterday) we took the cars for this place & reached here at 10 o'clk last night, where I suppose we will remain till to morrow a.m. tho' the transportation is not sufficient for us anywhere & we arrive & leave at any hour; We were to have remained at Columbus at least 2 nights & a day, but the first morn'g 5 companies had an hours notice to leave at 10; I was much disappointed for I expected to write you & several others long letters from there.

                I have written Aunt Julia; I felt sure up to the last day, that I w'd be able to run up & see them all, but company matters prevented until too late.  At Quincy, I spent an afternoon, took tea, & spent the even'g with Mr. & Mrs. Bouse, had a nice bed & at daylight they sent me in a buggy 5 miles to join the regm't; they are staying with a Mr. Gilbert, a relation of Mrs. B. at a most beautiful, & completely arranged place, & they all received me most cordially; the Fosters had been staying there & they & Mrs. B- had given strong recommendations for me to Mr. G. & his pretty daughter & Mr. G. had met Father in J'ville in 1857.  I truly wish Father could see Mr. G.'s place; it is just such as he has always wished; Mr. G. is a northern man, & has everything northern about him.  The trip up to Columbus was without incident worthy of mention, the Chattahoochee river is very narrow & the banks so high one can see over them only at places: there is nothing to be seen however, no towns immediately on the river, nor even plantation houses.  Columbus is in many respects a very handsome city, containing about 15,000 inhabitants, & the surrounding country is hilly & very northern in appearance, & quite a treat from our low flat woods.  Montgomery is quite a place & very city like & businesslike; I am much pleased with it.  We remain here till early to-morrow a.m.  As soon as I reach the end of my journey I shall write Davis or you where to direct to me; I wrote Davis to write me soon care Mrs. Steele, Anderson So Ca. & hope he will do so you may be sure you shall hear from me as often as possible -Again let me enjoin upon you to have as little fear as possible for me - I am sorry I can do nothing for you, but must leave it all to Davis & Winston.  I shall take the best care of myself.  Goodbye again dear mother.  Much very much love to you all.  Tell the boys to continue to try & be men, & gentlemen.  With true affection


Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13, 1862. Winston came at daylight after being on the river all night. Clark came to breakfast after breakfast he & W left for camp again & Henry Burrel & Tom left for Orange Springs for syrup, about 9 o’clk heard 5 or 6 heavy guns, thought the company & boat fighting but heard no more until after dinner some men came here on their way to the company & said they were certain they were fighting. Then Tina came over & we were all alarmed until Capt Canova passed & said the company were at their camp & no fighting. Afterwards heard 3 cannon but thought to be near Pilatka.

[Rebecca] May 13, 1862. Winston comes home at day light and is off again soon after breakfast. I write letters to Wm [her husband, called William by the family] and to Davis to send by his express to Jacksonville. Henry leaves for Orange Springs in a boat with Burrell & Tom – After dinner we are much excited by hearing cannon, but hear about sunset that there has been no fighting. Mrs S. here in the P.M.

[Rebecca Bryant to Davis Bryant] 

                                                                                                May 13, 1862

My dear Davis

                Winston is to send an express to Jacksonville in a short time and I avail myself of the oppy. to write you a scrawl.

                I wrote by way Orange Springs a week ago, but don’t know if it reached you – I addressed you at Jacksonville, but was doubtful if you were there. Yesterday eveg. I was surprised beyond expression to receive a letter from yr father, written at Buffalo Bluff.  Only think of his being so near us and not able to come to see us for a half hour!  The steamer got aground or they wd. have come up.  But if they had the St. John's Rangers would probably have fired on them so perhaps it is "all for the best." Winston sent a message from camp to tell us all to go from home with the negroes for a few hours – Tivie and the rest of us bundled off in the wagon with blankets &c – thinking we might have to stay in the woods over night – but hearing nothing and finding the gunboat had not passed above the Bluff we returned at sunset – and found Nelson here with a letter to me, inclosing one to Tivie - your father writes that he saw you at Jacksonville and therefore I send this by Sergt. Shed, who will remain there over night and if you will write a few lines I shall get it safely.  I want to know what you have determined upon, whether Willie has gone out of the State with his company, and where and how we are to write to him.  Tell me the substance of your interview with yr father –He says he expects to return in about a month – I send a letter addressed according to his instructions to Col. Ed. Hopkins by this oppy. to be forwarded to him at Fernandina.

                He writes that he saw Col. H- and others under flag of truce at Jacksonville – He says he “expects to see E. Fla. very soon in quiet and industrial pursuits.” In Tivie’s letter he writes that he is engaged in the restoration of peace generally and especially in E. Fla. He says the gunboats that may come up the river will do no injury unless they are fired upon.  My great fear is that they will be - but I must hope that I shall be able to see him under flag of truce, if he returns.  My time is up - God bless you -


Winston is here now but going to camp immediately.  He has been up and down the river three or four times since Sunday A.M.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12, 1862.  Between 2 & 3 o'clk P.M. Mr Wm Priest came for a gun of Winston's & said the Gunboats were coming up & Winston wanted us to leave home so we prepared for camping out & took to the woods but returned soon after sundown as we heard no guns firing.  When we got home, found one of Mrs Hopkins negroes here with letters from Father to Mother & me.  The boats got aground & turned back, one was too large to come up.

[Rebecca]  May 12, 1862.  We are expecting the gunboat up all the morng. About 3 o’clk P.M. Winston sends to let us know they are coming and we had better go from home. We stay in the woods until sunset! On our return we find a negro here from Buffalo Bluff with letters for me and Tivie.  They were written on the gun-boat while they were aground - and my dear husband has been expecting to see us all but was obliged to return ungratified - And so near us!

[James W. Bryant to Octavia Stephens]      

                                                                                                May 12, 1862

My Dear Tivie

                Having scrawled off a Note to your Mother, and the Boat yet being aground, I will write a little to you, and say how sorry I am not to see you and little Rosa.  It will not be long however before I shall return and then I can be more Certain as I will come up in a smaller Gun boat.  Whenever a Gun boat comes up, by going to the landing with a white flag, or sending off a boat with a white flag, or putting up a white flag anywhere, there can be communication had with the Vessel, or You Will be safe from any injury, unless the Boat is fired upon, in which case no house where a secessionist lives will be spared.  The horrible system which some persons propose of shooting individuals either as sentinels, or upon Boats as steaming, must be put down, or it will induce a retaliation of the most bitter vengeance, and the retaliation will be tenfold.  The house of Every person in arms against the Government will be destroyed, and his property of Every kind taken.  Open Warfare is Expected, but the Government do not intend or wish to Prosecute a war upon individuals, nor destroy property of any private Persons who conduct themselves properly in their Positions.

                The Captain has just Come in and says he shall not attempt to go up any further!  It makes me very sad.  My Expectation was to have been with you all within a Couple of hours, and now I must go off for Probably a month.

                Your Mother can send open letter, address it the outer envelope to the Commanding officer at Jacksonville, for me, and he will forward it to Fernandina.

                I believe we are getting off, so I must send this ashore at once. 

                God bless you my dear daughter, Kisses for Rosa and all of you.  Yours Ever affectionably

                                                                                                J. W. Bryant

                Mr. Burritt is at the North – Mrs. Burritt is well – Mrs. Gower is quite sick in consequence of a Miscarriage – I did not see any lady in Jacksonville – Mrs. Douglas is at J! The Reeds at the farm.

                A longer delay permits a P.S.  In regard to myself I can only say that I am Engaged in East Florida, and I have no doubt but this District will soon be Engaged in its industrial Pursuits, with the ports of Fernandina, Jacksonville and St. Augustine open to commerce; the blockade will be withdrawn so soon as a Civil Goverment is Established, and that will be soon.

                It gives me great pain to find Winston, Willie and Davis, all engaged in opposition to me, but I hope there will be a speedy End to this terrible war, when we can be again united.

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11, 1862.  In the morning Tom took Mr. Glisson in the boat to carry orders to Lt Grey, returned in the afternoon with the news of two gunboats at Palatka.  Winston went right over to town to arrange to burn the turpentine if the boat came, returned while we were at supper & started for camp soon after.  12 o'clk Winston returned for spades & with the news that Father was on the Gunboat at Palatka & intended coming for Mother.  W  staid only long enough to write a note to Clark.

[Rebecca] May 11, 1862.  A fine day – Write a long letter to Julia to send to Oge. Springs expecting Burrel to be sent tomorrow - Late in the day Winston receives a message from his Lieut - that two gunboats are at Pilatka.  W. goes to town to place a guard over the turpentine there, returns to tea and leaves soon after for camp - About midnight he returns again for a time - Had heard a report that my husband was at Palatka coming here for his family!  I doubt the truth of it.

[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens] 

                                                                                                May 11, 1862

My Dear Wife

                Your Father is in Palatka & I dont know how he intends presenting himself but he told several in Palatka, so Lt Peterman says, that he was going to come up to my house for his family.  If he comes under a flag [of truce] (which I think he will) then I will allow him to come but none of the rest shall if I can prevent them.  I want you in the morning to tell the negroes that the boat will perhaps come & tell them to keep out of the way until she goes down the river & manage everything as coolly as you can & break the inteligence to your Mother as you think best, be cool & fear not for me as we have a good place & can keep out of danger.  The boys can let the guns be taken out of the way.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 1862. In the afternoon Winston and Henry went to the Spring where the turpentine is to be moved from. Mr Hyas brought orders for the company to go to Jacksonville, also to reorganize. Mr H staid to supper.

[Rebecca] May 10, 1862. A cool, pleasant day. Winston receives orders, late in the day to remove his company to Jacksonville, after reorganizing.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9, 1862.  Sergt. Muzzell & Capps came at daylight with a message to Win, he left for camp with them as soon as we had breakfast. Lewis & Willie came to spend the day with H & Geo all went fishing in the morning. Winston returned before night. Mother & I went to meet him.

[Rebecca] May 9, 1862. Very lonely all day. Before we rose this morng. two of Winston’s company came to request him to go to camp on account of some news about the gunboats. Winston left after breakfast and returned about sunset. He heard that the 3d Reg. had gone to Quincy to reorganize to day.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8, 1862. Winston returned from Camp in the afternoon.

[Rebecca] May 8, 1862.  A fine day.  Winston returns about 5 o'clk P.M.  To my great disappointment he brings no letters but one of very old date from Julia and some old newspapers. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 1862. Mother Rosa & I spent the day with Tina. Clark & his boys had gone down the river. When I came home found some beef & butter from Winston.

[Rebecca] May 7, 1862.  Tivie, myself & Rosa pass a pleasant day with Mrs Stephens.  Mr C. Stephens gone to Palatka to get a certificate of disability for soldier's service.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6, 1862.  Winston left soon after breadfast for Camp five miles below, Little Willie with a note to him from Clark just before he left. Henry went home with Willie to pass the day.

[Rebecca] May 6, 1862. Threatening rain – Winston leaves about 8 o’clk A.M. to go to his Camp on the river. Showers in the morng. Clear afternoon – Tivie and I walk past the branch.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 5, 1862. In the afternoon Winston & I took a walk. Mother wrote to Willie & Davis to send by Winston tomorrow.

[Rebecca] May 5, 1862. Cool with high wind. Hear boy’s recitations in the morng. After dinner write to Willie & Davis to send to Orange Springs.

[James W. Bryant to Davis Bryant]

                                                                                                May 5, 1862 On board USS Seneca

My Dear Son Davis

                I supposed you was at Welaka until I was told you was at J-.  I was surprised to meet you but glad to see you in good health.  You and Willie have taken positions in this civil struggle in opposition to the views I Entertain, but I believe you are both conscientious in your course.  Pursue always in life the Path which you think is consistent with duty, honor, and justice, and I shall always respect you as men, and my love for you as children will be increased, if possible, in the Knowledge that you possess genuine integrity.

                I have written Gen. Hopkins to guard you and aid you, should it be necessary, and I feel confident he will be happy to do all in his power to do any act of Kindness towards you on my account and also, on your own.

                I cannot write to you more at length at present on business. You will hear from me again soon.  Any letters sealed or unsealed for me, sent on board the Seneca or other Gun boat addressed to me at Fernandina will be forwarded, or any letters unsealed for the North will be forwarded by the officer of the Gun boats.

                I would be very glad to have a good private talk with you, but will wait for a short time.  This is Enough for the present - seeing you in good health, and knowing that all the family are well is a great cause of happiness to me to day.

                I shall Expect frequently to hear from you if only a few lines - Give much love to Willie

                                                                                                Yours Ever Affectiontely

                                                                                                J. W. Bryant