
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]

                                                                                                Camp Stephens July 31, 1862. Late in P.M. 

My Darling Wife

                ...this morning the Two Gun boats made there appearance again & ran up in some half or 3/4 of a mile of Town with Decks clear, guns run out & every thing ready for action & your old man on the wharf with 17 men armed & some few without guns.  bless Genl Finegan he has not arrived until in the past few hours some guns arrived.  Its a shame & if I am treated so again I will throw up my Commission & come home.  The Gun boats left after spending a few hours looking at us.  I hope they may come after we get ready for them.  The Artilery Company will arrive tomorrow & they have good guns....Love to all I am yours always.  God bless you I send the Osnaburgs. 


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