June 6, 1862. Very warm had a cosy day with Tina. Henry brought the horse for me toward night, & he staid to kill squirrels tomorrow.
[Rebecca] June 6, 1862. Very warm. Occupied with household matters most of the morng. Five men stop for water and contradict the report of gunboats being in the river. Tivie returns at sunset. Henry stays all night at Mrs. Stephens’. Mosquitoes troublesome.
[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]
Horse Landing June 6, 1862
My Dear Wife
As Clark goes up this P.M. I write you a few lines to inform you of my general health &c. I am growing stronger but have but little of the rose about my face and to walk a few miles I blow like an old horse. The Dr thinks to walk every day will do me good, but to day I took more than I should have done, as I walked about five miles in all in going & coming from a bee tree, it had about five buckets of honey & now Clark is out taking another & several of the boys have cut trees besides. We have plenty of honey. I have a rising on my right fore finger & I fear it will be a bone felon. I cant tell you when I will come up but some time next week. Lt Gray will return tomorrow or Sunday & if any letters come I will send them up. health in camps good. Your old Man will be well & strong again one of these days - Kiss Rosa as I forgot her when I left. Love to all. Your aff
June 7, 1862. Received a note from Winston Clark brot it last night & Tina sent it. Henry came home in the afternoon & little Willie with him to stay a few days. Rain.
[Rebecca] June 7, 1862. I awake before day with troubled thoughts and forebodings. Soon after breakfast George has symptons of a chill – and has considerable fever for some hours. In the afternoon he is bright again.
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