
Friday, June 29, 2012

June 29, 1862. Winston quite unwell but he Rosa & I spent the day at Clark’s, he & C went to the office in the afternoon.

[Rebecca] June 29, 1862. A warm morng. Winston quite unwell but goes with Tivie to pass the day at his brother Clark’s, I write to Julia A – Henry takes letters over to town in the afternoon. Read two excellent sermons of Dr Huntington.

June 30, 1862.  Winston left us for camp in the morning & from there is to go near Jacksonville in a few days with his company.

[Rebecca] June 30, 1862.  Morng. sultry. Winston leaves us about 7 ½ o’clk to go to camp expecting to move down towards Jacksonville in a day or two – A heavy shower comes on about 1 ½ hours after he leaves. Henry goes to town for mail in the afternoon - brings me a letter from Julia which causes me much unhappiness from the allusion to a piece she has published renouncing her brother for his political course!!

[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]

                                                                                                Horse Landing June 30, 1862

Dear Wife

                I got a little of the rain in coming down.  I found the camps nearly deserted, but all will be in by tomorrow or next day.  Lt Gray has not arrived.  Mr Smith went up yesterday.  one more Company arrived in Palatka this morning & I think I will start Wednesday morning - Clark had better come in the morning & I will write you by him.  Your Aff husband


Dear Tivie

                I wish you to send Tom in the log boat in the morning as I wish to send some corn.  send two boys & get Henry to come with him & if necessary Joe can come.

P.S. Lt Gray arrived, no mail.  Telegrams that our forces made the attack near Richmond & the fight was going on, no other news of importance.

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