
Monday, November 21, 2011

Nov. 20, 1861 [no entry]

[Willie Bryant to Davis Bryant] 

                                                                                                Rebel Hall Nov 21, 1861

My dear bro.

                I arrived yesterday at 5 o.c.p.m. pretty well used up.

                Soon after you left me T. night was neither Mr. T. or Chauncey came, & I was cold, Asteen, who was to come down with us, & I built a fire by Porttings’ oyster depts. & waited for the others, where to make a long story short I spent a most miserable time till after 4.o’clk next a.m. when Chauncey made his appearance & we went to Syd’s for Mr. Tomb & soon after started; our starting so late was the means of our meeting a head tide about 12 miles down the river & the next 3 miles to Y. Bluff was a tug, certain; we staid there till about 4, took the tide & came on. That night Mr. T. & Chauncey made the calculation that we should start at 3 o.c. in the morng. & at ½ & 10, the time I had set for our starting, left for sleeping quarters without C’s thinking to insure means for my knowing it; I was provoked & sorry about it, extremely, but as Chauncey felt very badly about it also I said but little on the subject; to my great relief the boys hand was no worse & the delay had made no difference, & Capt. S. was in good humor & perfectly satisfied about the matter.

                At Y. Bluff we got breakfast, & I took a short nap, then had some music & fun at the house, when we had a good dinner & some time after left.

                The ladies expressed their regret at Yr not going there while down this way & hopes you wd yet have an opp’ty of honoring them with a call; They also gave us some more very fine lemons.

                This p.m. Doc & I settled the Nichols affair; we went to Mport & with Dr. N. went to see Powers, he asked us over to his house & as he had been informed somewhat & was expecting the meeting; it was soon ended.

                In the first place he plead drunkenness at the time of the conversation & at the time of speaking with Nichols & said that he did not recollect that either of you made any remark derogatory to Dr. N. & when he spoke to Dr. N. he died not wish to convey the meaning that you had, acknowledged he had done wrong, & was very sorry for it; all of which I believe, & as both N. & himself were satisfied in regard to Yr innocence & Willingly dropped the matter there; the whole thing has been conducted in a calm, business like, & gentlemanly manner, & I take much credit to myself for it for with my former excitability & passion I feared I might be unable to do so to my satisfaction.

                Chauncey & I bro’t the mail down with us to Mport, & Doc recd his letter which I notice is directed in Yr hand-writing; a number were in the house when with pleasant anticipations he opened his double letter, & when he showed the contents the laughs & jokes were uproarious; & Doc was very much teased, & as he has just been apptd. Lance corpl it is called his commission & has gone the rounds of the camp; You were among the first he suspected & tho’ he is not now so sure he still things the writing very much like yours; Charlie H’ing & I got up the joke & sent the Hdkf to Denny of the success of the joke.

                My trip to town I enjoyed & with Beck particularly I enjoyed a conversation; she gave me fits about my [tight?] the night of the Katzenberg's party, which she discovered by my looks the next morn'g, & felt deeply grieved about it; she is a dear girl, & her depth of friendship beyond any I have yet known, & such is most rare in this world; her influence upon me has been great, & it wd take a very great deal to destroy it; her letters give me great pleasure, I only wish she was better versed, & more correct in the style, I notice a marked improvement however.  I will not write Mother this week as I have but little to say, & she will receive mine of last week; you will I suppose mention my run to town.


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