[William Bryant to his brother Davis Bryant]
Rebel Hall.
Sat’dy night. Nov 2/61
Dear Davis,
I have devoted all the time I could take this eveg to writing Mother, & now time is just about up, but I must scrawl few hasty lines to ensure yr hearing from me by boat. Hollis goes up Monday a.m. I send Mothers letter to be put on stmr Jville to ensure it’s going past; Burton will do it.
Let me know when to write Father. If you are to leave town, or want money, better send watch to me to raffle while money is plenty here; just as you please tho’, I don’t want either.
Got all articles buy Syrup. Will write Beck Monday by Hollis.
I send by Burton J.L.I. for Syd, as for Envelope.
We have enjoyed the visit of Burton & Driggs tho’ the weather has been unpleasant, & I wish they could stay longer.
By the way! I did not take Inventory of articles left at Bouse’s, please do so.
Amen – Yrs always, Willie
By Hollis will send Denny’s Stone & saw for Mother.
Please deliver inclosed note about Pipe & if convenient get yes or no for me.
[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]
Porterville five miles from Palatka Nov 3, 1861.
My Dear Wife
I will send you these few lines that you may see the Pony has not quite finished me, I must own that [hole in paper] a little more stupid than usual but [hole in paper] Hotel fare, as some of the Boys had no blankets & shared with them & slept quite cold last night, & then some two or three had no blanket & had a colder bed than I did. I feel sorry for Mr Parker, he has nothing but the few clothes on his back & cant get any in Palatka & while I think of it you may tell Mother I send the Envelopes but there are no brooms in Palatka & I send the dollar bill as they would not give me the change for it, & I cant get a pair of shoes in the place unless I take red brogans. Tell Ben I cant get him any. I think I shall take a pair of brogans for camp use as I cant go without & those Willie give me will not last long in camp. I never have seen stores so empty in my life. We are in Capt Porters yard five miles from Town, where we have a good pasture for horses & a pleasant place for the men, I say pleasant I mean about as pleasant as we could expect. Friday night we had rain just after going to sleep & we got up & crowded in the house & roosted on the floor, I would give you a description of the house but it is beyond my ability & it would look bad on paper so I may give it when I can be with you, over some horses have just left camp for Capt Hopkins & a friend of his from Georgia, who are expected by 10 oclock. I am to meet him with the men I have in camp. The Gentleman desires to become an honorary member of the Company & will present us with a nice bugle. I think it could have been done some other day but the Capt made the arrangements [hole in paper] & I had to comply. We have not hird from the mustering Officer & cant tell when we will muster. We are recruiting some men every day & think we will have a good Company. I met the Darlington yesterday in hopes of hearing from Davis but did not see him or hear from him, but saw a letter to Mother & presume she will know by that what he intends doing. If Mr Symons does not come on Monday I want you to have the potatoes dug by the cotton & the hogs turned in at once & make Burrel get the four or five hogs from Welaka & if Symmons does not come by that time I want them to get old drive & hunt the Hammock for the rest of my hogs & if they find any they must go in a pen & be fed. I dont want the potatoes by the lot dug. Make Burrel bank them. I have a fine Mare which Cost $200 & she is only four years old & gentle. I intended sending you several things by the Darlington but they cant be purchased in this place. Mr Smith will send you one gallon of oil & that will last you with the other things for a light for some time. If we are mustered before Wednesday I shall come home this week, but write if I am not at home. I hope you are all well before this. Give love to Mother & the rest kiss Rosa for Pa Pa & accept many kisses much love from your aff Husband
P.S. If you get out of Beef ask Clark to get you some & I will pay for it, he spoke of killing a steer if he does you can get some of that.
Yours Winston
Nov. 4, 1861. I received a letter from Winston. Mother rec one from Willie & Davis.
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