
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jan 24, 1862. In the afternoon Henry & I went to town to carry some corn to send to Pilatka for W’s horse, mailed a letter to Winston, stopped at Tina’s.

[Rebecca] Jan 24, 1862. Very cold all day. In the afternoon Tivie and Henry ride over to town.

[Octavia Stephens to Winston Stephens]   

                                                                                                Welaka Jan 24, 1862

My own dear husband

                I was astonished and grieved to hear yesterday that you had gone to Cedar Keys.  Mrs Priest brought the news, said your company passed through Gainesville on your way to Cedar Keys.  I was looking forward to seeing you next week as Gen Hopkins said all would come here next week, but if report is true (which I fear it is) you have been sent farther off from me, and I fear into great danger, I had rather know you were in Fernandina expecting an attack than to know that you had gone after Yankees, for I suppose you have no cannons.  And I suppose there is no telling when we shall see you now, oh when I think of it all I do not know what to think, well all I can do is to trust in Providence, and pray that you may return to us in safety. I wrote you a letter on Tuesday & sent it to Fernandina, I hope you have ordered you letters to be forwarded as I sent Grants notes in my last, my latest news from you is over two weeks old, dated Jan 10th, I hope the next I get will tell me something of you move, but fear not, anyhow I will run the risk of your getting my letters at Cedar Keys until I hear differently. I suppose if any thing happens at Cedar Keys, that we will hear by telegraph at Jacksonville but I hope and pray that all will yet end well.

                I heard yesterday through Gabrial Priest from Pilatka that the horses were in a starving condition, nothing but crab grass hay, no corn, so Clark advised me to send two bushels of corn to Isham Stanley & request him to feed Pet with it until I heard from you at first I thought of sending an order for her to come up next Monday but think perhaps they will not send her, then again you may have sent for the horses by this time. I shall wait a week any how, I dont know though, I am going over in a little while with the corn and see Clark, two notes have passed each way, I shall do what he thinks best.  I am scribbling this off while the darkies are shelling the corn, and Rosa is plaguing me.  She is better than she was, but I have to diet her on milk in different ways and bread or rice on account of her bowels.  I have pretty well weaned her in the day, this is the fifth day she has gone without, she gets a good quantity at night.  Sarah is sick to day, every one else well.

                Burrel began ploughing Monday last if you get my last letter that will tell more minutely of every thing that is going on. that letter went by the Silver Spring day before yesterday, this will probably go tomorrow by the “Hattie.” I hope your letters will not be longer coming than from Fernandina, & I hope you had time to write before you left.

                We are having quite cold weather to day, the first since Christmas. a few sandflies have been seen but I think this will put an end to them for awhile.

                Well my dear I must close now.  with my best love and prayers for your safe return to us.

                                                                                                Ever your loving Wife

P.S. No word yet from Mrs Bradley. and no syrup. Dick wrote last week that he was going to Ma. Mother & all send love.


[on envelope] Cant you send an order for Pet? Clark thinks they wont send her without. one horse has died.

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