
Monday, July 2, 2012

July 1, 1862.  Clark brought me a note in the morning from Winston.  Henry, Geo & Tom went to camp for corn, they returned about night & said that Winston left at noon for Jacksonville.

[Rebecca] July 1, 1862.  A very warm day. Henry & George go with Mr Stephens to Winston’s camp for corn. They are gone all day and Tivie and I pass a lonely day ‑ she in the knowledge that her husband is leaving for a long time and I not knowing what will become of mine in this new and bitterest trial!

July 2, 1862. Henry Geo & Tom went to Horse Landing again for corn. Rain.

[Rebecca] July 2, 1862. A warm morng. Soon after daylight Henry & Geo. with two negroes go down for more corn to the place where W’s camp was. A sudden squall and heavy rain comes up before dinner. The boys do not return until 4 P.M. We cut a very fine watermelon. The afternoon cool and pleasant.

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