July 16, 1862. The boys went fishing. Rain.
[Rebecca] July 16, 1862. Warm morg. – shower after dinner very acceptable. Boys fish in the morng. and bring home quite a mess of fine perch – Study in the afternoon and eat melons.
[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]
Camp Hately July 16, 1862
My Dear Wife
As Mr Canova arrived yesterday in Camps & starts to day & will pass your house I have concluded to write you a few lines by him as you may not get the one sent yesterday by mail for the next month. You can not expect a long letter as I wrote you four pages yesterday. I am quite well & the Company in tolerable health, one or two quite sick. The Regiment has lost some two or three in the few past days & one had his foot mashed between the Cars yesterday. One horse in my company died of blind Staggers & to day one more has it & I fear several will die of the same disease as I am told it is Contagious.
The War news is that Genl Hindman Confederate Captured Genl Curtis Federal with all his force and that Pillow was fighting & getting the best of it. All the knowing ones predict a termination of hostilities in a very short time and as our little State is so unimportant perhaps they will discharge the soldiers of this State at once. The 3rd Regiment was in Mobile a few days ago & was to remain for some time longer. The 5th & 8 it is thought will go to Virginia and no troops will be left in the State but the Independent Cavalry Companies & a few Cos. of Rangers. Two gun boats are in the river but down at the bar, & none have been as high up as Jacksonville for two weeks. Tell Clark when you see him that his discharge requires to be approved by Genl Finegan before his discharge takes effect & that I have rec'd his pay up to 30th June & that I paid Metts six dollars for the syrup and Metts charges $2.50 for the barrel or requires it returned at Palatka & to let me know which he will do. I hope you get a plenty of beef & I will send you some money soon if I dont come. I want you to have the negroes do work on the mill dam in the new ground & fence in the odd times, let it be arranged as to have Burrel or Jane with the little boys, but have the Cotton & Potatoes well worked. I send you the blank pages & you can write on it. I want to be with you but cant expect to for some time yet. I think I shall go up to Tallassee the last of this week or the first of next. I want to hear from you very much & suppose you have written but the old mail is rotten in its opperation and we have to put up with it. Mrs Bradley lost seven negroes Simon Letty & her children & She has sent the rest to Georgia all but Nelson & a few children. Mr Bryan has lost 38 & Dr Hear his boy John. They will not be able to save their crops. Love to Clark & family, Mother & boys & Much Love & aff for My Rosa & yourself.
from Your Aff husband
Winston Stephens
July 17, 1862. The boys went fishing. No rain.
[Rebecca] July 17, 1862. A warm day with out a shower. Do a little washing in the morng. – sew the rest of the day – Boys get some more fish before dinner.
[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]
Camp Hately July 17, 1862
My own Darling
Your long & interesting letter was received to day & as Mr Strouss & Mr Priest are going directly by your place & I write though this is the third this week! “Genl. Lee” is holding us a light & I can hardly see the lines but it is the best I can do. The Gun boats came up in two miles of Town to day & carried off some persons from the opposite side, supposed to be Mr Halliday. You remember he went off the time the Yankees first left Jacksonville. We had but 20 Guns but I took 20 men & went in ready to keep them from landing, & the Regiment none of them went in. They start tomorrow I will be left Command of this Post with none but my Company. You see I am complimented by the changes but I suppose you are not thankful for such compliments. Capt Chambers comes up to Palatka. I am sorry you were having such bad times & bad feelings when you wrote but glad to hear of the increase of our family. I hope they will continue to thrive & that you will have other increase in the shape of pigs & pups. Mr Priest thinks that Simmons is not fit to build the mill & ask Clark to see old Souls & see if he can build it & if he can get him instead of Simmons.
I start to Tallahassee at six o'clock in the morning & will be absent about one week and will write you the news when I get back. Save all the fodder possible & feed or have Pet well fed & keep a fine colt. We have lots of company to night & but little to eat. Give love to all Kiss Rosa & accept as much as you wish from you old Man
Winston Stephens
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