
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 17, 1862. The boys went fishing. No rain.

[Rebecca] July 17, 1862. A warm day with out a shower. Do a little washing in the morng. – sew the rest of the day – Boys get some more fish before dinner.

[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]

                                                                                                Camp Hately July 17, 1862

My own Darling

                Your long & interesting letter was received to day & as Mr Strouss & Mr Priest are going directly by your place & I write though this is the third this week! “Genl. Lee” is holding us a light & I can hardly see the lines but it is the best I can do. The Gun boats came up in two miles of Town to day & carried off some persons from the opposite side, supposed to be Mr Halliday. You remember he went off the time the Yankees first left Jacksonville. We had but 20 Guns but I took 20 men & went in ready to keep them from landing, & the Regiment none of them went in. They start tomorrow I will be left Command of this Post with none but my Company. You see I am complimented by the changes but I suppose you are not thankful for such compliments. Capt Chambers comes up to Palatka. I am sorry you were having such bad times & bad feelings when you wrote but glad to hear of the increase of our family.  I hope they will continue to thrive & that you will have other increase in the shape of pigs & pups. Mr Priest thinks that Simmons is not fit to build the mill & ask Clark to see old Souls & see if he can build it & if he can get him instead of Simmons.

                I start to Tallahassee at six o'clock in the morning & will be absent about one week and will write you the news when I get back.  Save all the fodder possible & feed or have Pet well fed & keep a fine colt.  We have lots of company to night & but little to eat.  Give love to all Kiss Rosa & accept as much as you wish from you old Man

                                                                                                Winston Stephens

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