
Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22, 1862. Tina Mrs Latham & Carrie spent the day with us, has some fine music. Rain at night.

[Rebecca] July 22, 1862. An excessively warm day. Mrs Latham, Carrie, Mrs Stephens and children here to pass the day. They leave just before a thunder shower. Mrs L - engages Henry to save the nails &c about her place.  She leaves for O. Springs early tomorrow morng.

July 23, 1862.  The boys went to town to pick up some things from the ruins of Mrs Lathams house, staid all day.  toward night they brought some beef from Clark's & Henry carried the cart back.  Rain.  Mrs L & Carrie left.

[Rebecca] July 23, 1862. A very warm morng. Immediately after breakfast H & G go to town and work at Mrs L’s place until nearly noon, then go to Mr S’s to dine. Rain prevents their working after dinner, they return before sunset with a quarter of beef for Tivie and Henry returns with the cart to Mr S- remaining all night then to work at Mrs L’s tomorrow.

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