
Friday, September 28, 2012

September 26, 1862. The boys did not come to study as it was rainy.


[Rebecca] September 26, 1862. Cloudy and drisaling most of the day. Tivie & I sew steadily. The boys working on their corn-crib.


September 27, 1862. Wrote to Winston. The boys caught some fish in the morning & went to town in the afternoon. Rain.


[Rebecca] September 27, 1862. Another misty day. Write long letter to Sister Julia. Boys go to town mail letters and do errands after dinner – In the morning they catch some fine brim.


[Octavia Stephens to Winston Stephens] 

                                                                                                Sept 27, 1862

My dear husband

                A long long week has passed since I received your two letters by Mr Smith, oh it has been a long and dreary week, seems to me Monday will never come when I may expect to hear from you, though heaven only knows where and how you are, I am so anxious to hear from you. Last Monday morning I heard of the fight with five Gunboats & their defeat at the Battery with three men only killed on our side.  My hopes & spirits raised greatly, thinking the boats would not try it again very soon & if they did the Battery could stand it well, as I thought they would never send more than five boats, but Monday afternoon I heard that the boats were at the Bar waiting for larger ones to try it again, so that they might stand off a long ways & give your side shots which I fear will damage you greatly, & I know the high tides which we have now will help them much, I wish the Battery had never been erected.  I am glad though that you have to scout instead of remaining at the Battery for I suppose there is less danger. I went to town last Mon- hoping that I might get a few lines from you, as Mother thought you certainly would write at Baldwin or some place on the road if you did not get to Jacksonville in time. I would have given a great deal for even a few lines from you in the middle of this week, I am now trying to wear away the three more days until Monday hoping I may then certainly hear from you and that it may be good news. All of us are well now, Sarah is up again & her five risings dwindled down to two.  Burrel is at last well again after going with Henry to Palatka & having two teeth out, I am doing pretty well, but can not stand half as much as when I was with Rosa. I have a sore throat but no cold.  Clark is sick with cold and fever & Willie is sick.  Rachael seems to have a bad cold but I have not heard of any bad feelings.  I fear if this weather continues all will be sick, October was the month last year.

                And what do you think? Old Simmons has backed out of his trade, after publishing all around that he had traded with you, Clark went out to see him last Tuesday, & he said he had promised Braddock the refusal, & that his crop had turned out short. Burrel sent word to him to be ready to come here to go to work next Monday that I was to send the cart for his tools, but he says he cant come until a week from then.

                I hear that the dam is very badly washed by these last rains, I few you will have it all to do differently or have a smash up when it is finished if it ever is.

                Burrel has gone after that black sow again this morning as she got out & bothered Clark again.  Burrel & Tom caught a wild shoat out of that wild bunch the other evening.  They say it is brother to my little one, he is very poor now but Burrel has great hopes of him & talks strongly of having a mate for him.

                We heard last week that out forces had taken Washington & Baltimore but have heard no more since. I could not believe it, but hope it may be so.

                Mr Basford has not been yet to take our measures & Tina says if we wait for him to come we wont get them, so how shall we do?  Who do you want to have shoes, if you can not get any shoes for Rosa I shall have to try & make some of buck skinn & shall I get it from him, or how?  She will soon have to wear shoes most of the time, I have one pair of my stockings done, I began them the first day of this month, & have done a great deal besides, I have forgotten all you said would happen before I finished one pair.

                The boys have just returned with a nice string of fine large fish.  I wish you could dine with us, but I guess you get mullet down there, which I wish for often, we will have Kershaw for dinner too, I tried to save some of them until you come but they decay so fast we have to eat them, we will not be able to save a seed of them this year, & almost loose pumpkin seed, so if you should come across any you had better save them, we are at last enjoying green crowders they are very fine.  Are you not going to let us enjoy some potatoes before very long ‑ when the green peas are done?  How often may I give the negroes peas?  Every thing seems to go on very smoothly.  Pet looks miserably, but the colt & mules rolling fat, the mules tried to run away with the wagon the other day.  I can not keep the puppies fat, they and Pet seem determined to look like hard times.

                By the way, I forgot I will get my mail tomorrow night instead of waiting until Monday night, for Dean is to carry the mail Sunday instead of Mondys, so there is one day taken off of my anxious list. Now if I should be disappointed. I suppose there is no use to ask you when you expect to come home, for I guess you can not tell yet.  Mother sends a great deal of love, but not more than does

                                                                                                Your own



September 28, 1862. Not a line from Winston by the mail. Rain.


[Rebecca] September 28, 1862. Showery – Read sermons of Dr Huntington with much interest – The mail comes but brings only on newpaper!


Monday, September 24, 2012

September 21, 1862. Came home from Tina’s just after breakfast. Wrote to Winston. Rain.


[Rebecca] September 21, 1862. At 9 o’clk this morning returned from Mrs Stephens’ where Tivie, Rosa & myself were detained over night by a storm. Wrote to Davis before dinner – Read sermons after – The weather still lowering.


[Octavia Stephens to Winston Stephens]

                                                                                                Rose Cottage Sept 21,1862

My dear husband

                Mr Smith arrived at last with two letters from you, I received them last Friday, you cant imagine what a relief it was to my mind to get those letters, for I was in a great state of anxiety about you for I had heard of your trip down the river & your fight with the boats, and that six men were killed on our side, & I thought if you were not among that number you might suffer in a few days after.  I was so glad to hear from your letter that you were going to Tallahassee I exclaimed "I'm so glad" I wish he would stay there a month, What a narrow escape you and your men had from the shells of the Gunboat.  Oh how thankful I am & you ought to be that you escaped.  I shall be in constant fear the whole time now that I know you must have returned from Tallahassee for I fear that blocking the Gunboat will not be such an easy thing as you think -for the fiftieth time I say will we ever have peace?  When I feel that you are not in danger I do not realize the troubles half so much, I suppose I have my share of the anxiety to bear.  You say we must certainly have peace soon.  God grant that we may but I have but little hope, for that has been said so many many times.  If it is true about Pope & McClellan there are plenty more men in Yankeedom that may make better Generals than them.  We have certainly gained a great many victories (if we can believe all) for which I am very thankful, but, oh such loss of life & seems to me to no purpose, if we do ever have peace how few there will be to realize it and how many of them will be desolate and unhappy.  God grant that I may never be one of that number.

                Mother & I returned from Clark's this morning in a slight rain after spending yesterday & last night there, we went & came in our one sided cart as Mother thought it would be better for me than on horseback with Rosa, but it is worse for it makes me feel sick.  I had to lie down this morning some time after I got home - plague take Old Long.  I wish he never had seen the buggy, it might have been sent to Savannah & back fixed by this time.

                I hope your command is in better health than when you first wrote, for it is bad enough to be there in danger without sickness.   I would not be surprised at any time to hear that Jacksonville has been shelled for I am very much afraid that they will yet defeat your plans at the Bluff.

                You missed seeing Davis, as Henry Hopkins wrote Clark that Davis was sent with a dispatch to the Bluff I think after you left. Though when Davis wrote he expected to go to Madison this week to fix some business for Mooney & he hoped to be able to go down & spend a day and night with you, but I fear he will miss you, or not go down at all as he knows you have been moved, he intends trying to come to see us before long.

                I am sorry to have you write as you do about the Simmons place, I fear you will loose & be sorry. Clark dislikes to take the responsibility after the manner you wrote in, & I fear he will not get it, he is going in a day or two to see Simmons. I think you will be very foolish if you loose it. you need hogs, you will need corn, you want cattle (three of his are cows) the potatoes will not come out of place. The carpenter tools will always be useful, & I know I would be willing to give a good deal for some of the things of his house & kitchen, I would be willing to pay for one oven he has what you price the whole furniture at. I think you value the whole at entirely too low a price, from the figures you had down on a piece you sent in my letter. Mr Simmons has had other offers, but would not sell as he called it a trade with you, I do not think he is trying to back out. I hear he has a good pea crop & a good potatoe crop, & he has some sows with shoats, and what are you going to do for sows after this year, for I expect you will have to kill that little black sow, for we have her up, as she proved to be the pest of Clark’s field, & seems there is no way of keeping her out of a field. Well I guess you think I have given my mind enough where it is not wanted. All is I think if Clark gets the place you will be glad of it here after, but I fear you will loose it.

                I forgot to say that Mr Smith brought the cloth & thread.  I hope you succeeded in getting Rosa some shoes in Tallahassee.  I also hope you remembered your promise and had a daguereotype taken for me, but I guess you did not. Did you see the handsome “hair lip?”

                You ask me what I think of your uniform.  I think it a great pity that the wives of confederate officers have to wear unbleached homespun chemises, when their husbands can afford to buy uniforms.  You told me to manage things to my liking, I have sent with others to buy some factory thread, Clark & I counted it all up &c, & it would be cheaper to buy the thread & have it woven at 10 cts a yard than buy the cloth at 50 cts, & we are obliged to have the cloth, & the Winter will be over before we can get our cotton ginned, & spun at home, and having it spun elsewhere is not very cheap.  I hope it will be to your satisfaction, I could not wait to hear from you again as I am behind the others in sending already.  Mr Fleming is to buy it at Monticello, at 2.50 cts a bundle.

                Henry killed two turkies last week at one shot, I assure you they were nice, although I could not half enjoy mine as I had the blues so bad about you.

                Mother received a letter from Willie last Friday, he was on his way to Nashville, & had fallen in getting over a ril fence & hurt his shoulder quite badly, so was with their baggage train, he was able to move it a little & use his fingers when he wrote.

                How very anxious Ma must be to hear from or of Dick & James, poor Ma she has indeed a trying time now.  I am glad for her sake that Swep has gone home, he will be one less for her to be anxious about just now.  I wish to heaven you could come home.  My dear you say you will be cautious, it is easy enough to say it when you are quietly writing, but I am so afraid that when you are excited you will forget in your enthusiasm for your country how dear your life is to more than yourself.  Mother sends love & says she was rejoiced to hear from you after a week of anxiety that you were safe & well.  All are well yet except Sarah who has had fever and has five "risings."  Rosa sends a kiss. I hope I shall be able to hear from you a little oftener hereafter.  once in three weeks is rather trying.  Good bye "Do take care yourself My dear" as ever                               

                                                                                                yr loving



[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]

                                                                                                Sept 21, 1862

                                                                                                In Camp near "St Johns" Bluff

My Darling Wife

                On my return from Tallahassee I rec'd your two long & interesting letters & you may imagine how delighted I was to get them.  I will answer your questions at the conclusion. I went to Tallahassee as a Witness in the case of Maj Barnwell, but I was not questioned before the Court, for which I felt obliged as I knowed nothing to benefit or condemn. I had much rather seen Davis than gone up, but missed him by being absent he was quite well as you know as he wrote from this place, or Jacksonville, I should have said. I am in good health & fine spirits as every thing seems to work under the direction of Divine Providence ‑ We have the game plaid out with the Gun boats on this river, the first fight you have doubtless had the particulars.  the second took place on the morning of the 17th at 5 a m & lasted till 10 a m.  In which time the Gun boats therein as estimated between one thousand & 12 hundred shots & our guns replied very slowly only throwing some 50 shots.  the boats then retired.  Our loss was 2 killed & 2 wounded.  Capt Dunham lost one man & Maj Brevard one, the bateries received no injury during the firing, but the shell & shot fell like hail.  It was certainly Providential that we did not have more injury on our side.  The Enemy was hit several times & forced to retire, but returned the Friday next day after the 18th & fired 18 shot & retired before we fired a gun. & on Friday one boat came up in long range & our big guns was about to open on her when I asked the Capt to hold on & not let them get the range of his best gun which he did & after looking at us for a short time she turned around & went back & then all the boats went out over the bar but two large side wheel steamers.  Some think they have gone for reinforcement & others that they have given up, but I am of the first opinion, as they feel it a burning shame to have allowed us to mount guns in sight of them & drive them back when they try to pass ‑ The only fear I have is they will get guns of longer range than we have, which will allow them every advantage & we may lose men & not be able to retaliate ‑ Capt Chambers & myself are about three miles & a half from the boats, acting on the rear to prevent a land attack which I do not fear as they have not got the land force to spare for this place, Genl Finegan is down here looking at the positions &c, he has asked for a regiment from Georgia.  I am not a favorite as I am a Whig & I came near offering my resignation as he refused to give my men good arms, but he has consented to give me 60 Enfield rifles & Maj Teasdale has promised to get me some sabres.  The old granny thinks I have done a little more than I should have done & he is afraid I will get more credit than some of his Democrat friends, & I think he would like to see me whiped.  I shall try to prevent such a disaster as I will not expose my men until I am armed.  We have 38 inch guns or Columbiads, two 32 rifle, two 8 inch short siege guns mounted ready for action, & the last fight we had none of the 8 inch ready.  We have over 300 infantry in the Batallion & one Independent Co of 117 ‑ Chambers & My Cavalry 227 men, besides about 150 that work the guns making our force now 794 & we will have one company more next week on this side & two companies on Yellow bluff on the opposite.  you see by this that we are pritty strong & if we get the Georgia Regiment we will be ready for any thing, but I dont like sending our men out of the State & then having to call for help from some other State.  Finegan is trying to force an appointment over the Cavalry but I think we will have a chance yet to vote for the Field officers, & your boy Wince will be one of them.  My men are not much sick but we have just moved to this place & it is raining & has been raining for several days & I fear it will make them sick.  Swep has just returned & says they are nearly all sick in Marion.  I think they had all better move.  I think I may come on a steamer next time I come, but dont look for me in some time yet.  You have perhaps had letters by Brother Smith before this & I will wait until I hear from Clark before I purchase the wheel as he may get the one Simmons has ‑ Lt Gray did not go home as was intended but came on down here expecting a fight.  Monday 22d.  I will try to finish.  it continues to rain incessantly.  I rode out this morning with Capt Chambers to fix some pickets & got down to look at the two Gun boats in the river & my mare ran off & lost my overcoat (not the blue one) but I hope to find it.  Genl F leaves for Tallahassee to day. Jessup and his boy & several others were with Tody he was shot near Jessups after crossing the creek & shot in the left side which killed him instantly as he only spoke a few words it was the Friday before I left home, he was buried by his Father. You will please dry the pinders well & then put them in a barrel & fix it so the rats cant eat them. I want Simmons as soon as possible as I wrote to Clark & he is not to be paid unless the work is good. I wish I could be at home to attend to it but that is out of the question. Pay Dr Currell the four dollars.  I have seen Mr Burrett but he knows nothing more than already written.  Mr Dean can have the house by taking good care of it & paying at the end of every month four dollars (4) & not without & ask Clark to see to it for me.  I hope Rosa has not had return of fever I know she will be well cared for & shall ask you to be careful, but do take care of your own health & you had better not ride on horseback anymore & walk every evening.  I wish you would tell burrel not to allow an ear of corn fed only when obliged & tell me how the peas promise.  I want them all saved nicely & the cotton too.  I want to know about the hogs & how things generally look once a week.  I would have sent this to day by mail but as Capt Canova is coming up I send it by him as he will reach you sooner than the mail.  Mizel & Shook will be up soon & I will write by them.  Give love to Mother & boys & the Darkies tell howdie.  I send the 3 pr needles & hope the size is right.  Some one went in my trunk while I was gone but did not get much as I had Valise with me & that had all the Valuables but clothing.  Mr Greely got me a course uniform for sixty dollars which looks tolerably well. Send Clark the inclosed. I must close. Good bye & God bless you kiss rosa for Pa Pa.  Yours loving old man

                                                                                                Winston Stephens


September 22, 1862. Georgie & I went to Tina’s in the afternoon, where she joined us & we went to town for the mail & to make some purchases, heard of another fight at Jacksonville with the Gunboats three men killed.


[Rebecca] September 22, 1862. Cloudy morng. clear after dinner – Tivie & Geo go to town wait for the mail until nearly dark. Bring me a letter from Sister Caroline, also the news of the taking of Baltimore, and Washington threatened. Nashville evacuated and our army in pursuit.


[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]

                                                                                                Sept 22, 1862

                One of the men has just handed me a letter from you of the 14th which I was glad to receive.  Oh how much I wish to be with [you] & clear of this war, you seem to worry yourself more than you should, dont let the pigs & hogs trouble you but tell burrel to do what he thinks is right or let him see Clark about it.  It does appear that every thing works against me.  I fear you have married one of the unfortunates but hope you will continue to love me as life would be worthless if it was not yours & ours. You can read the letter to Clark & you will see by that, that he cant be discharged. We have glorious War news.  We have taken Harpers ferry capturing 20 thousand Yankees 2,500 negroes & 12 thousand stand of arms & We have had another fight with McClelland with 80 thousand, our Genl was A.P. Hill.  The fight lasted two days.  The first day nothing was decided but the 2d day our forces recd Longstreet's Division & they being fresh we drove the Yankees five miles slaughtering them as we went, none of the particulars received & Price has gained a Victory in the West.  We whip them every where we fight them.  I hope you all will be well when you get this.  How goes on the school? I am as ever your Devoted husband

                I will get something for Rosa & I want you to send for any thing you want, put Sarah to spinning if you can get the wheel at once as we will have to make their clothes.  Osnaburgs worth 65 cents by the bale & every thing going up.              

                                                                                                Winston Stephens


September 23, 1862. Henry & Burrel went to Pilatka to have B’s teeth pulled & ret about 4 P.M. Tina spent the day with us. Rain.


[Rebecca] September 23, 1862. Fine morng. Henry leaves at daylight to go to Palatka with Burrel that he may have some teeth extracted Geo goes to Mrs Stephens for the day and Mrs S- & Minnie come here. Rain towards night prevents G’s return.


September 24, 1862. The boys came to say their lessons as usual. Rain. Clark went to Simmons’.


[Rebecca] September 24, 1862. Foggy – Geo returns before breakfast and Henry goes to the Office after breakfast to get sundry articles and help Burrel to take down an old house. Afternoon rainy –


Thursday, September 20, 2012

[Henry Bryant to Davis Bryant] 

                                                                                                Rose Cottage Sept 20, 1862

Dear brother

                I intended to write to you the last time Mother wrote but Georgie & I had to make a little house to put our corn & fodder in, so I thought I would put off writing until this week.  I have just returned from driving Mother and Tivie over to Mrs Stephens', they had to go over in the cart as the buggy has not come back from Mr Bright's, it was sent there to be mended three months ago.  When Col was up here I went deer hunting with him once, the dogs started one a little above the Mill dam but we did'nt get a shot at it, as we went up around the head of the branch towards Browards lake, the dogs would run through and come out on the other side, but just as we got to the end of the scrub we saw two deer jump and run towards the place the dogs ran in, Col jumped off his horse & ran back and just as he got around to see where the other one was, he saw something shake its ears but thought it was Clara and would not shoot it, it was a yearling deer and began to run along in the edge of the bushes, he shot where it would have come in one more jump, but it stopped just as he shot so he shot in front of it, after he shot, it came out within twenty steps of him & stopped and looked at him, he called to me to come there as quick as I could, & I thought the deer had gone on so I galloped around to him as quick as I could, and when the deer heard me coming it ran back in the scrub, I gave him my gun & rode around to the other side of the scrub & then came through but could not start it again, while we were after the yearling the dogs ran on after the doe, when we were ready to follow them we could not hear them barking at all, they ran her into a little bay on the branch, we went there & blew the horn but they would not come; Col says he is sure they caught it because he wounded her badly, the dogs did not come home until some time after we did.

                There was a hog that went into Mr Stephens' field every night, but the musketoes were so thick he only sat up one night, he thought it was one of Tivies hogs, so Georgie, Tom, Mose & myself went over a week a‑go last Thursday night to try & catch it, but the boys went to sleep and when I heard the hog coming I could not get them awake quick enough to hold the dogs, and when the hog began to throw down the fence the dogs barked before it got in the field.  The next night Tom & I went, but the hog came in at a different place & dodged us, we went over to the Still & caught the hog we thought it was, & brought her home, Mr S. has not been troubled since.

                Last Tuesday afternoon, while Georgie and I were saying our lessons, Sarah called me & said she saw some turkeys in the field up towards the old house, I took my gun & went out by the cotton house & then through the field towards the river, as I was going  I saw the turkeys run towards the fence so I hurried on & got over the fence & walked along on the outside, I had not gone far before I saw them just inside within twenty yards of me, but they saw me & ran back down the fence a little ways & began to fly up on the fence, I crept along the fence until I thought I was within gun shot then I raised up, there were four up on the fence, I shot at the nearest one but when I went there I found two.  So the first time I ever killed a turkey I killed two at one shot.  I think it was pretty good luck. I have not seen the screw to Zoar rifle since you left I think you had it in that little tin box you kept the balls in.

                As I have no more room to write I will close.

                                                                                                Your aff brother



September 20, 1862. Mother Rosa & I went to spend the day with Tina. It rained so that we had to stay for all night.


[Rebecca] September 20, 1862. Threatening rain but according to promise Tivie & I ride over to pass the day with Mrs Stephens. After dinner a rain sets in which increases towards night and prevents our return – Mrs S- makes ground-nut-candy and entertains us very hospitably –

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 18, 1862. Nothing particular. Rain.


[Rebecca] September 18, 1862. Quite warm Boys go fishing after breakfast and bring home a large number of fine brim – Busy all the afternoon mending old cloths & shoes –


September 19, 1862. Received two letters from Winston at last by Mr Smith he was going to Tallahassee. Had had a little fight with the Gunboats at May Port.


[Rebecca] September 19, 1862.  A fine morng.  Just after dinner received letters from Winston who is quite well, altho' he has been in great danger at Mayport from the gunboats which fired 62 shots at his men.  God be praised for his escape!  I have a letter from Willie of the 2d on his way to Nashville over the Cumberland Mts.  He is in fine spirits notwithstanding a fall which injured his shoulder.


[Rebecca Bryant to Davis Bryant]  

                                                                                                Rose Cottage  Sept 19, 1862

My dear Davis,

                Your most welcome letter of 6th. finished on the following Wednesday reached me the next Monday (this week) and with it I recd. one from Willie of the 24th. Aug. the contents of which are I suppose so nearly like the letter you say he wrote you on 26th.  it is unnecessary for me to quote from it. He also wrote to Henry – a letter full of interest to him & all of us. This afternoon, I have recd. by Mr Smith who has at last returned, another letter from Willie of the 2d. inst. with a P.S. written at “daylight 3d.” when they started to continue their march to Nashville over the Cumberland Mts. He wrote 29 miles from Chata. The Regt. left C- the Friday before (Aug. 29th.) and were marching until Sunday night to accomplish the 29 miles, the road being over a mountain so steep as to be almost impassable for the heavy wagons and dangerous for the mules – One of the wagons was thrown over and smashed but fortunately it was in a place where the mules did not receive injury. The first day, when about 2 miles from camp, they were delayed for a short time, and Willie in going for some walk fell from a fence, injuring the muscles of his shoulder so much that he could not carry his “trappings” and was obliged to remain behind and go with the wagons which left the next Sunday, his birthday, and he overtook the Regt at their camp on Tuesday morng., and wrote me in the afternoon. His shoulder was better but he cd. not raise his arm and would therefore go on in the same way. He said althought his lame shoulder was a great inconvenience he had gained in being able to enjoy the grand scenery through which he passed at his leisure. He describes it as very impressive and says he enjoyed it greatly. He has a liniment for his shoulder and thinks with care it will soon be well. He says if I write 2 wks from his date, to Chattanooga he will probably get it – I did write a long letter last Sunday which was about that time. We shall next hear of the Regt. at Nashville, I suppose, and may God grant that our troops may be victorious and our dear Willie unharmed. We have just recd. letters from Winston and my heart is overflowing with gratitude for his preservation amid the danger to which he was exposed at May port ‑ Henry has just returned from town and says that H. Hopkins wrote Mr Stephens that he saw you there, that you brought an Express from Capt Harrison, so I infer that you know all the details of their movements, but as Winston does not mention seeing you, we conclude that he had left before you reached the camp.  I have commenced this afternoon to write, because we are to pass tomorrow with Mrs Stephens.

                It is growing dark and I must lay aside my pen until Sunday.  Sunday 10 o'clk A.M.  We went yesterday morng. to Mrs Stephens' and were detained there over night by a furious rain, have just returned and I hasten to finish my letter. Henry has a letter written in the slate and I will leave him half the sheet and cross this - I learn from Mr S‑ that last Monday was the day Hen Hopkins saw you, Winston's camp was then at Tiger Hole and he had gone to Tallahassee ‑ I am very sorry you did not meet him.  He wrote Tivie to direct her letters still to Jacksonville ‑ If you have any idea of coming up next month perhaps it wd. be well for you to write and ask him what roads to follow. All the information I can give you is that when W- left us to return to camp he expected to go by Mr Osteen’s and to dine the second day with Jessup Brauning. I remember that he said you wd. have saved much riding if you had gone to Jacksonville. If you go to Madison now, I fear it will be sometime longer before  we see you here - All will be rejoiced to behold the light of yr countenance. Winston mentions going to see  Mr Burritt & being invited into the room where Mrs B- was and passing sometime very agreeably in conversation with both. He told Mrs B of my request to Beckie Foster to make inquiries about yr father from her, but they did not know any more than we had heard from Mr Burritt before. Mr B told Wintson that he saw Mrs Sanderson in Richmond, who told him that Mr Fraser had gone to St. Augustine, with the Mil. Gov. of Fla. With regards to our wants the only imperative ones at present are a pair of shoes for Henry.  We have a prospect of getting a pair made for him, in the course of time but it will be several weeks, and his boots are gone entirely. He thinks he will require No 4 now – I will finish on another piece as Henry is ready to take this sheet.

                If you receive this before you return from Madison to camp and can manage to get shoes for Henry No 4 and leave them with Winston I think he will be able to send them up by some oppy. before you can come ‑ and I would like a tooth‑brush also and Henry needs some percussion caps.  When you come I shd. like some small paper, to suit my envelopes, but have enough for the present.  By this mail Tivie, Mrs Stephens and I will send money to Mr Fleming who is to get us factory yarn, and a woman in the country is to weave cloth for us ‑ this is the only expedient I can resort to for clothes for the boys.  Winston has been trying to get some for me where he bought his, but has failed.  I shd. be glad of 6 or 8 yds of cotton flannel but suppose it wd be impossible to get it without paying a small fortune for it.  After this week our mail is to leave here on Sunday morng. and we get our letters Sunday eveg.  By this means, Mr Dean says, my letters will go immediately through, not laying over at Palatka and I hope will reach you the following Wednesday ‑ I shall get yours 24 hrs earlier than before.  I dont mind paying yr postage (I have made $5 by selling copperas) but I want to know why soldiers letters do not go free, as has been stated in the newspapers.

                Quite a number of men are now engaged in trying to get the St. Mary’s up – we hear she is soon to be filled up with iron plates &c for a gun boat.

                I suppose Willie has enjoined upon you as he has upon me, not to give credit to report until we are perfectly assured they are reliable. He says there “are any number of Bryans and some Bryants in the army and a Bryan in the Co H of the 3d. Regt. They are likely to meet with accidents and have their names confounded with his – He promises to write or get some one else to after any event of interest. His whole soul is in the cause – He says he is prepared for the worst and willing to risk the chances, for the sake of sharing in the trials and dangers of this War! He says his only anxiety is for those he loves. I must bring this to a close ‑ With love and kisses in abundance for you.


Referring to yr letter I think it must be the ferry about which you wanted information – The Cannons have the flat and will cross you at any time – At Osteen’s they can direct you there.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 15, 1862. No letter from Winston yet heard a company at Jack- had had an engagement with the Gunboat, six killed on our side. Mother rec letters from Willie & Davis. Great news in the papers. Rainy.


[Rebecca] September 15, 1862. Clear morng. – showery after breakfast – Geo goes to town for mail and brings letters from Willie & Davis – The former written in came 7 miles from Chattanooga, expecting to start on a long march in a few days. Davis well and cheerful. We get news of another glorious victory in Virginia and over in Kentucky by Gen. H. Smith’s forces – Also a report that Winston’s Co. have been down the river & had an engagement with a Gunboat – No letters from him. Mr Smith still expected daily.


September 16, 1862. Mrs Saunders & Mag Dean came for Coperas & were here to dinner. In the afternoon Henry killed two turkeys in the field. No rain.


[Rebecca] September 16, 1862.  No rain all day.  Mrs Saunders comes to buy copperas and stays to dinner.  After dinner George goes to the office with her.  Henry kills two fine turkeys at one shot.  Tivie desponding, having no news direct from Winston.


September 17, 1862. Tina & her children spent the day here. No rain.


[Rebecca] September 17, 1862. A fine morng. – Tivie sends a horse for Mrs S- to come with her family to eat turkey – School for boys as usual.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 13, 1862. Rain & stormy all day.


[Rebecca] September 13, 1862. A rainy day – George who went to Mr Stephens’ yesterday has not returned – Henry & Tom watched for the hog in Mr S- field again last night without success.


September 14, 1862. Wrote to Winston heard that he with part of his company had crossed the river at Jacksonv with others, their object unknown. Geo returned from Tina’s. Rainy.


[Rebecca] September 14, 1862. After a stormy night the wind is still high and the clouds black – Geo returns about 10 o’clk – Write to Willie and Henry takes my letters and one from Tivie over to the mail and dines with Mr Stephens – Heavy rain in the afternoon -


[Octavia Stephens to Winston Stephens]

                                                                                                Rose Cottage Sept 14, 1862

My dear husband

                Another Sunday has come and here I am seated to write to you again, oh what a long week this has been, as I have been looking anxiously for a letter from you, and most of the week have had a beef to take care of and bad weather which has worried me lots and not one word from you to cheer me in my work. I can not imagine what keeps Mr Smith so, tomorrow is mail day & I am afraid to expect a letter by that as I suppose Mr. Smith will leave a letter for me when he does come. I sent over to town yesterday in the rain thinking he certainly must be there as I had not sent over since Thursday.

                I will have to hurry up with this as I hear Mr Dean is to start at one o’clock, so as to cross the river to night on account of the gale we are having to day. I wondered a great deal yesterday & last night how you were faring in the gale if you had one such as we had.

                I suppose you received my letter by Mr Hyas last Thursday, did you not wonder at its being open, I always leave my letters open until the last minute so that I can put anything in if I want to, & I had not noticed that that envelope was not a self sealing one, until Mr Hyas was at the gate, & could not find a wafer & did not wish to keep him waiting to seal it with wax, & thinking there was nothing particular in it gave it to him open.

                My dear before I forget it, wont you please go to some of the stores & see if you can not get two yards of something to make Rosa some Winter sacks, anything that has some woollen in it, & is not too common, flannel, de laine, or almost anything if you cant get any thing of that sort get calico & I will line them, I have racked my brain & ransacked the house to find something that would do, & tried to spare a breadth out of some of my dresses but "no go" do not think because you said you would get the other things that I will keep sending to you for things, for I ask you now only for things that I am obliged to have for comfort.

                Clark is still troubled by hogs in his field, oh they were certain it was the black sow, but Burrel found the blaze face wet & the black dry, so took the blaze face, then they said oh they knew it was that one, we had the one, but the hogs kept going in, & Clark told me one day that he thought as I that it was wild ones, then a few days after they knew it was the black one & wanted me to let out the blaze face & take up the other, we have not taken her, for she is too poor to have been in any field or to keep up & Henry watched two nights, & saw the hog, it is a large black one but very fat, he did not succeed in getting it either night, the first night the boys were asleep & he could not rouse them & the dogs would not take it the next night it was smarter & gave Henry the slip although he saw it, he is certain it is a wild one, tonight he is going to try & shut the black sow up at the mill & see if any goes in the field if so he will go tomorrow night & try & kill it.  Clark killed that fine large one of the wild bunch the other day, I think he laid in wait for him, he thought he would have weighed 150 lbs after being cleaned, they sent us some ribs which were very fat.  I guess he will get them all before Winter as the family have seen them several times, so they know where they are.

                We are all well but Burrel, he has been having fever and face ache. Oh I forgot what shall we do about marking the little pigs belonging to the black sow, her pigs are mixed with Clark’s & Sophia’s & no one knows how many each sow has, they marked one the other day and they say that is Sophia’s I told Burrel to leave it until I heard from you. Henry thinks Clark has only two as some of his died & you have six, but is afraid to say so, for fear that Clark will think he is cheating him for you, such a time with the pigs; there are now only 16 shoats that come up, two missing.

                Rosa has just given me a kiss for you, she seems quite well now, I do hope we may hear some good war news to morrow, and I do hope to hear from you.  I must close now as my letter ought to be off.  With lots of love I am

                                                                                                Your loving



[Rebecca Bryant to Willie Bryant]

                                                                                                Rose Cottage  Sept 14, 1862

My dearest Willie,

                It is nearly three weeks since I wrote you, last week I defered it, hoping to have some intelligence of you before mail day came round again.  Your last to me, written at Chattanooga, Aug 15th. reached me in 14 dys, and on the fourth after I had written you – That letter, Winston mailed in Jacksonville and altho’ it was directed to  Knoxville (by your instructions) I trust it will reach you if it has not already. Yours of the 15th. was highly interesting, giving an account of your ascent up the famous Lookout Mountain – You were then expecting soon to march, and supposed you were to go to Nashville – Winston saw a letter from you, dated Aug. 19th. in which you wrote that you were to march the next morng. but he did not know where or did not write, if he did know. You always write cheerfully to me and make light of your privations and toils, but a hard march of 150 miles, without tents or many cooking utensils must be a severe test of any man's philosophy and powers of endurance.  I have been hoping most earnestly for a telegraphic dispatch, a newspaper paragraph, or something on which to base a conjecture where you are.  A month has passed since the last recd. from you was written ‑ how much must have occurred in that time to bring you either joy or sorrow!  I have endeavoured to comply with your wish that I shd. believe that all was well with you until I knew to the contrary ‑ But my hopes and fears are constantly alternating and I must confess the latter often predominate, in spite of my efforts to the contrary.  The same mail arrangement continues here, which, as I have before written obliges us to mail our letters 24 hrs. before our mail is recd. therefore it is possible I may get a letter from you or hear of you through Davis tomorrow eveg.  I have been very fortunate in getting all your letters, tho' some have been long on the way.  I am sorry to find from yr last that you have not recd. all of Davis'.  Mr Smith has been absent nearly a fortnight, went to Jckvlle. and perhaps to Tallahassee.  We are impatient for his return, as you may imagine, anticipating a budget of news.

                I can conceive what you must have suffered by being 6 wks. without letters, when I find it difficult to be cheerful under a trial of half that magnitude ‑ 2 wks without a letter from you, is as much as I can bear patiently.  The newspapers of Aug 30th. inform us that Buell had fallen back in the direction of Tupelo, but it seems probable if troops had been engaged with him since that movement or if there had been any decisive action at Nashville since you left that we shd. have heard of it by telegraph the past week as there have been persons from Palatka passing up the river.  Telegraphic despatches recd. at Gainesville are brought to Orange Springs, thence to Palatka, and we got the news of the Richmond victory in that way in 3 days.  I receive letters from Davis quite regularly now every alternate Monday.  The last, recd. a fortnight tomorrow, mentioned his having just returned from picket duty in a very wet time, had to ford several deep branches and swim one, with gun, blankets, bags &c, on his shoulders to keep them dry. We are now having a regular Northeaster, wind, rain & high tides must make camping dreadfully uncomfortable where the Fla. Rangers are. Davis wrote me of the death of Mrs. Mitchell, Mr Jeffry’d daughter, who was to have been married to Dr. Baldwin just ahead the time of her decease. Since I wrote you last I have recd. a long letter from Aunt Julia. She had been to Sav. to visit the hospitals about there, by the request of the Ladies Association to which she belongs. She was accompanied by a Mrs Reed – they staid ten days - She recd. many kind attentions, had a carriage placed at her command to enable her to visit the different points with ease.  The proprietor of the Pulaski received her on the footing of a guest, the omnibus driver refused fare &c – She was only at the Pulaski one day and night, going out of the city every afternoon with Mr Patten and passing the night with his family – Mr P- is a com. Merchant who is agent for the Ladies’ association - On this trip Aunt J‑ met Mrs Latham & Carrie in the cars, heard all about the loss of their house, their visit here &c took tea with them at the Pulaski, introduced Parris to them.  He was much pleased with Carrie and her Confederate hat which I did not tell you of ‑ It is manufactured by her own hands of palmetto, with a bunch of rough rice and a cotton bud very prettily arranged on one side.  Palmetto work has been all the rage this summer, Rosa has a very pretty little hat made by Maggie Dean ‑ Henry braided and I sewed one for George and H is now braiding one for himself. To return to Aunt J-s letter – She went a second time half way to Sav. and on the cars met Mrs. Foster & Beckie! She met Mrs F- at our house you remember when Beckie was absent – Mrs F. recognized Aunt J- and introduced herself. The three had a most interesting and earnest interview of an hour, wholly absorbed in talking of us, and they “parted like old and dear friends, so nearly did they seem connected with you,” Aunt J- writes. I regret to learn that Mrs F- had several hemorrhages which induced her to go to Aiken for a time. Winston forwarded my letter to Beckie and I hope soon to hear from her. They told Aunt J- they should make an effort to meet you at some point – I wish they might succeed.  You were mistaken in supposing you had expressed to me your opinion of Aunt Julia's cause toward yr Father, I have looked eagerly for it and for the dates of yr letters, I think I have all you have written me since that time ‑ I suppose you wrote Davis and thought you had said the same to me ‑ Aunt J‑ speaks of recg. one from you, and that you were just to both herself and yr father.  She seems much gratified by mine to her ‑ it was more forbearing and affectionate than she dared to expect – She speaks of Parris being at home on a furlough and says nothing of his going to Virginia, so I infer that the report of his being ordered there was incorrect. We have not heard from Winston for a fortnight – He wrote Tivie a sad account of a fatal accident that occurred to Lewis Gaines a few days before he went back to camp – Lewis was to have acted as substitute for Swepston for one month, and on his way to Winston’s camp he stopped for a couple of days at Mary Brauning’s. While out hunting with Jessup his horse jumped and struck his gun against a tree, which as he attempted to catch it fired off and shot the whole load into his breast – He expired immediately. His poor distressed Mother has now two sons in Tenn. and two in Winston’s co. Winston's corn crop has disappointed him greatly this season, he planted about 80 acres and expected to have a great deal to sell, but will have barely enough for his own use.  He planted only 10 acres in cotton and the caterpillars are destroying a great deal of them ‑ His peas are doing well.  Henry was much pleased with your commendation of his letter.  George intends writing to you ‑ He has just returned from a visit to Mr Stephens' boys, he went on Friday P.M. to return yesterday but the storm prevented ‑ I teach those boys with mine three days in the week ‑ Reading, spelling, writing & arithemetic is all I profess to teach.  Henry however has commenced Nat. Philosophy & Astronomy.  He has also been building a crib for his corn crop which is now gathered ‑ It is the only way in which I can be useful now and I need something to draw my thoughts from my wearing anxieties and mental burdens.  Tivie & Rosa are both in good health ‑ Tivie sends much love and a kiss ‑ and from me dear Willie accept ten thousand kisses & blessings.


The boys both send much love ‑ Sometimes they are a little disposed to complain of privations, but I have only to remind them of the contrast between their condition and that of the soldiers, your own included, and they are cheerful.  We want to know how you fare in the way of provisions in Tennessee ‑ Your letters are most eagerly looked for by all and always read with the greatest interest.  I hope you will write to Winston if you have not already –


[Willie Bryant to Davis Bryant]  

                                                                                                20 miles in Kentucky

                                                                                                Sunday Sept 14, 1862

My dear Bro.

                I have wished to write you often & in my last to Mother ‑ I think a week ago ‑ I said I must close to write you, but I have found it impossible; I scrawled a few lines to Beck as we started on our march, knowing that you wd. thereby hear from me too. & I have managed to write Mother twice since we have been on the road & that is all I could do.  Tho' I wd. probably have found more time & been able to write more but for a badly sprained shoulder (my right) which kept me behind with the waggons.

                I am puzzled to know where to commence with you, it has been so long since my last, & my brain as well as my body is so addled by recent events: you must excuse an account of our journey & expect only the circumstances most forcibly impressed upon my mind by hard personal experience ‑ On Friday a.m. 3,o'clk Aug 29, our Regmt. took its place in the left wing of the army then in line of march, at noon we halted for a couple of hours, in getting over a fence for some water I fell, & injured my right shoulder so severely that I was obliged to be left behind, but I managed to get my things into a waggon & instead of retg. to Chattanooga to the hospital, on Sunday noon started with the waggon train; the first of the journey was up a very steep mountain of "Walden Ridge" ‑ a distance of 3 miles we then followed on the top of it for 14 miles, descended a distance of 2 1/2, & were then in the Sequatchie Valley, between the ridge & the Cumberland Mts, 5 miles wide : we came up with the regt Tuesday, which had been resting since in the night Sunday, & Wed'y before day started again; we traveled up the valley many miles & then ascended the Cumd. ridge a distance of 2 miles, & then went along on the ridge 24 miles, & descended 2 miles & the worst of the journey was over, tho' our road has generally been bad & very hilly all the way.  This is the 17th day since the regt started, & we have marched a distance of a little more than 200 miles, crossing 2 ridges of mountains on the way, & when we start again tomorrow will have rested but 3 whole days & part of a 4th.

                What we have suffered on this march those only can know who have experienced it, it is impossible to describe it, or for the mind to realise it by description; many a poor fellow has been killed by it & is buried by the road side, & I am only surprised there are not more, thousands have been left sick at houses & hospitals established along the road, & by the side of the road to make their way somewhere the best they could, & many of the hardiest & strongest are of the number; it has been terrible, terrible, & no man of us will ever forget it, or think of it but with pain; we have almost every day been aroused at 2 1/2, 3, or 3 1/2 in the morng & made to prepare to start immediately, & been marched till after dark, somtimes 9 o,clk, & every 3d. night all have been obliged to be up till 12 or later, drawing & cooking rations, & many all night long; the scarity of water, dusty roads, heat, & hunger have all been just till a few days past; the average of the march is about 16 or 17 miles pr day, some days they have driven us 22; O! it has been inhuman! but thank Heaven it is now better with us, the country has been good for the past few days, & it is but 28 miles to Bowling Green where we are destined for the present, 2 days will take us there ‑ Our rest to‑day, & having time to wash our bodies & clothes, & nurse our lame feet is delicious, but last night we were cooking till very late, & will be obliged to to‑night, as without any apparent excuse they are not to issue rations till dark ‑ I would not have Mother know what I have endured for worlds; I must confess that once I was throughly discouraged, & wished myself out of the service & home.  I was following with the regt. & was sick, & as long as a man can walk he is forced to keep up with the regt.  Our march has depended intirely upon Buells movements, & I suppose still will, he managed to elude us by 2 days at McMinnville Tenn & we have been forced to get around him; at Bowling Green we cut off the R. Road commtn. between Nashville & Louisville, & Price is on his other side, his only escape is thro' Kentucky into Missouri; the report of his being hemmed in Tenn proved false; Our army consisted of about 60,000 men, 3 divisions, Cheatham's, Buckner's, & Anderson's (ours) but Cheatham's has gone to reinforce Kirby Smith.

                The war news you know more of than we ‑ I think we will go into winter quarters in this state; a few more weeks & we will have cold weather upon us, & I dread it I assure you.

                In a day or two I shall resum my load & duties; my health is still good, & my strength of course greatly increased; I do not weigh a great deal but am stouter than ever before.

                The low Dutch & Irish are the only ones who have stood the march at all well; Those under 20 & over 30 have stood it best.  I will add no more now but write Mother, & perhaps Beck, a few lines – I have recd. no letter from you since leaving Mobile, but have recd. two from Mother, two from Beck, one from Hattie, & one from Hollis.

                I think Mothers are looking better, & still think the war will terminate this winter, I now hope so -

                I hope all is well with you & that you may be retained in Fla.  I do not know how it will be with me, I can only try & hope I may be able to stand it, & have as little to fear as any, but after all it seems to be a mere matter of chance with all ‑ You must wait to hear from me again, or direct immediately to Chattanooga, directing to me Co H. 3d. Fla Rgt. 1st. Brigade 1st. Division.  The mails have reached us twice on the march ‑ I hope to be able to send this from Glascow‑ Good bye again ‑ Yrs always affectionately


                                                                                                Glascow Tuesday a.m.

                A chance offers to send long letters – I have not written Mother, but have a few lines to Beck; write Mother that you heard from me at Glascow, that I was well &c – Our forces had quite a brush 2 days ago on Green river near B- Green 21 miles from here but the enemy were in too strong force for us, our army has hastened on to reinforce last night & there will probably be more of it – Buell now seems to have no chance to get away whatever & I hope he may not –

                                                                                                Good bye again – Yrs Always
